4m-Corp - pure pvp corporation, no bears, no miners, no tears

pew pew need more of you random pew pew guys/girls

More duders are welcome to some pew pew

Need more people who dont care about ratting and mining, who just want to shoot stuff … join our pub for a chat.

Are you into fleets 24 / 7 join our pub and have a chat. pew pew

bumpelibump, gogogo pew pew

HOHOHOHO not santa but a pew pew

Need more able pvp pilots join our pub for a chat.

Are you the one, need more pew pew able people to corp.

Core of corp is Danish, german ( speaking ) comms are in english. Some Swedes to, but who count those. Join our pub and have a chat. pew pew

need more active pvp ers join our pub and have a chat. pew

Need more stupid people to join our pvp corp. :heart_eyes::sunglasses:

Need more pvp ers … join our pub for a chat.

Are you self sufficient and want to pew pew fleets 24/7 … join our pub for a chat.

Need more Pvp ers join our pub for a chat

Need more stupid people to join our corp. pew pew … only

Could really use some female pvp ers to join our corp. if they exsists. Have to many Vegan players now.

Need more Duders for pew pew

Its weekend, and you are bored with being the only active in your corp in fleets, Join us be a part of a more or less active corp … pew pew … Btw we got 2 vegans, so we are doing it right.

Pew pew join our pub …

■■■■ and giggles … peew pew join our pub