(#519) The BIG Lottery - Win 1B ISK and MUCH more

[u]The BIG Lottery[/u]
EVE’s Premiere Lottery - Non-Stop since May 2003

Round #519 : 2023/03/20 - 2023/04/02


  • 1,000,000,000 ISK
  • Nestor (*1)
  • Stratios and Asteros (*2)

(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.

(*1) Sponsored by Anataine Deva
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil

Win more ISK!!!
Put a “The BIG Lottery” link into your bio - Exact text!
Make sure it links to “http://BIGLottery.BIG-EVE.com
If you have it, you’ll get a 25% bio-link bonus on top of your winnings!

To combat bots you FIRST need to prove that you are Not a Robot

Simply send an EVEmail to the character “BIG Games” with the subject “The BIG Lottery”.
It’s free to take part!

Round #519 duration

- Monday, March 20th, 2023
- Sunday, April 2nd, 2023
- Monday, April 3rd, 2023 18:00 EVE - Ingame channel “BIG Games”

Note that round #520 starts immediately after round #519 has ended.
- it doesn’t wait for the draw of round #519

Winners of Round #519 : 2023/03/20 - 2023/04/02

The list of winners are

1,250,000,000 ISK - Clay oni Evans
Praxis (*1) - Juan Gremory
Nestor (*2) - Mads Stellan
Stratios and Asteros (*3) - Juan Gremory

(*1, *2 and *3) In-channel-participation only prizes.

(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*3) Sponsored by Macabre Devil

Special mentions:

Mads Stellan - For making his 12th win
Clay oni Evans - For making his 1st and 2nd win the same round!!!

Tried to verify as not a robot and got an error.

Something is broken in the captcha callback.

Usually an add-block thing (add blockers don’t like Google’s Captcha code I think)
Disable or whitelist The BIG Lottery page.
Or use a diff browser for this one thing.

It was indeed an ad blocker. Tried and was able to authenticate correctly now.

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