(#567) The BIG Lottery - Win 1B ISK and MUCH more

[u]The BIG Lottery[/u]
EVE’s Premiere Lottery - Non-Stop since May 2003

Round #567 : 2025/01/20 - 2025/02/02


  • 1,000,000,000 ISK
  • Stratios and Astero (*1)

(*1) In-channel-participation only prize.

(*1) Sponsored by Macabre Devil

Win more ISK!!!
Put a “The BIG Lottery” link into your bio - Exact text!
Make sure it links to “http://BIGLottery.BIG-EVE.com
If you have it, you’ll get a 25% bio-link bonus on top of your winnings!

To combat bots you FIRST need to prove that you are Not a Robot

Simply send an EVEmail to the character “BIG Games” with the subject “The BIG Lottery”.
It’s free to take part!

Round #567 duration

- Monday, January 20th, 2025
- Sunday, February 2nd, 2025
- Monday, February 3rd, 2025 18:00 EVE - Ingame channel “BIG Games”

Note that round #568 starts immediately after round #567 has ended.
- it doesn’t wait for the draw of round #567

Winners of Round #567 : 2025/01/20 - 2025/02/02

The list of winners are

1,250,000,000 ISK - JayEm HighCastle
looni’s loot #22 (*1) - TerisCA Stalin
Stratios and Astero (*2) - Nvyn

(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.

(*1) Sponsored by loonitunen
(*2) Sponsored by Macabre Devil

Special mentions:

JayEm HighCastle - For making his 18th win
TerisCA Stalin - For making his 5th win
Nvyn - For making his 2nd win

First do we have to spend isk to win or will you just be giving out free entry tickets?

/ nothing is really free, but will send an evemail.

//also guessing that you will require pilots with active zkillboards as your goal would seem to want to draw in more pilots?

Does the pilot who sends in the evemail somehow ends up on some mailing list?

So many questions and such a small isk prize, will there be more than a few winners each round?

Ticket is free (No ISK needed)

“No rule without an exception” :slight_smile:
(yes it’s truly free)

Nope - No KB or anything needed.
Just do the bot check - and send the EVE Mail

Nope (I hate that myself)

Multiple winners each round.
Check http://biglottery.big-eve.com/lotterywinners.aspx for the list of all winners ever

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