7 thunderchild toons (10.5M+ SP each+ 1-5 mid nomad implants)

i got 7 thunderchild toons about to sell.

All 7 have 10.5M+ SP with full thunderchild ratting related skills full (except large vorton specillization V, i use V>IV for LSP production). They also come with Mid Nomad implants 1-5 (worth 1.35B each set).

I will sell each toon with implants for 10B+1B or all 7 toons 70b (free implants).

@AAA_farmer1 each character must respond to this thread confirming they are for sale. If this is not completed, this thread will be locked in 24 hours.


MCT are not apart of any character transfer, and thus must be sold separately and are not considered apart of this Bazar.







wtb one for 10b

Someone has AAA farmer 1-4 reserved, you have the choice from 5-7. 10b good for me, no more bargain.

Hi, 10B b/o for AAA farmer7

yes,i am good with the price. Send me the isk to AAA farmer7 as well as the account that you would like to transfer to using ingame mail. I will initiate the tranfer once received. Thx

20b b/o for AAAfamer 5-6

@Solar_Spirit Yes, i am good with that too. Send 10b isk to 5 and 6 respectively with the account ID you would like to transfer, i will start the process. Thx

isk has sent and account has email u

@Solar_Spirit ISK received. i will start the transfer now.

@Solar_Spirit both toons (5&6) have been transferred, it may take 10 hours to finish.

@Onnabe do you still want No.7?

Isk and account name sent.

AUTZ so only just got the replies.

@Onnabe Thank you! ISK received and account transfer has been proceed.