A Decree For All Low Sec Pirates


It was sarcasm…

Dryson, can you PLEASE stop? No one likes you.

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Many of the CODE pilots are flashy red, faction popo are avoidable and don’t mean much at all if you are ganking.

that said I’d guess lowsec pirates are more likely to gank with code than gank code :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh hell yes I am a former CODE. Affiliate. @Tora_Bushido ^^

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What was stopping you guys before?

Lack of permission?

He even ganks himself now. I don’t even know how this is possible. Maybe his ship exploded from sheer embarrassment or something


Highsalt intake? I always assumed him to release a lot of salt in the form of tears.

Dude…they’ve only had a public shareholder list for like 5 years. No wonder ag fails non stop with people like you on their side.

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You probably dont know who my alts are and what alliances they run? :rofl:

So… I’m suppose to leave my lucrative hunting grounds where fools fly in to be unloaded of their valuables… Only to join a fight where if I succeed, the lucrative hunting escapes and I’m left looting scraps?

And as a pirate, I’m suppose to do this out of the kindness of my heart?

If I was so inclined towards this behavior, why not just shoot my corp mates? It would be the same and I wouldn’t have to travel.

Seems like a lot of work on my part for no reward or compensation. Again, if I wished to be so altruistic, I wouldn’t be a pirate at this time.

Low Sec Piracy = Low Sec PvP

There aren’t many people that just try to kill suspects/criminals in lowsec. No one gives a rat about sec status.

Not to mention half of your low sec pirates probably can’t bring anything safely into highsec for that same reason.

he was in one of the Ghost sites. Apparently the dude thinks an expanded probe launcher and a friggin gun are worth having to put 4 fitting modules/rigs on an astero? I mean… really? Who in their right might uses an astero for combat scanning?

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