Hee. About tools, much as I like to play around with perspectives and just how shiny some of our tools are, I don’t think we disagree, actually. We’re people with shinier toys; that’s all. My position there hasn’t actually changed.
Power, though. . . .
I’d be interested, some time, to see you reflect back on the role of power in your own life, Arrendis. You do have a lot of it, and have for a long time.
If power just sort of landed in people’s laps free of charge and didn’t require upkeep it might really behave as you say. In my experience though it doesn’t do such good things for the people who have it because power doesn’t usually just precipitate out of the air. People who have it have often fought hard and sacrificed for it, and often they’ve lost a part of themselves along the way, or are continuing to lose parts on an ongoing basis.
Like most resources (and actually it’s more the reverse, since resources are themselves a form of power), you often have to pay something to get it, and more to keep it. Sometimes you pay more than you expected, in compromised principles, lost lives, friendships frayed or even destroyed.
And that does seem to take a toll. Especially since once you begin making compromises, it’s often easy to continue.
It’s not quite so simple and straightforward, maybe, as “power corrupts,” but it is clear to me that there is a price for most forms of power and that the price can easily swallow the original intent. The real trick for many of those pursuing a certain end is not to lose that end in the mess that comes of seeking the means to accomplish it.
You of course know far more truly powerful people than I. But that’s how it seems to me.
Tired, now. Heading to bed. See you all later.