A significant update to Industry

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Production is steadily trending downward. We must be operating on different definitions of the word “better”.


This. Better does not need “more”.
Also when all the stuff is cheaper, of course the total value created decreases. This does not mean it’s worse.

Negative growth in productions far from an indicator of health. More is not necessarily better, thats true, however in this case the continuous downward spiral indicates not only is individual production down which this change was explicitly intended to cause but also that the intended beneficiaries of this change havent stepped up to fill in the holes. Thats objectively bad, and bad for literally everyone. Notice destruction is on a downward slide as well. That indicates, at least, two things. One, there are less people playing the game, and two those that are are fewer and further between. Honorable mention being everyone is being entirely more risk averse since the ships they want to fly are not replacable by their own hand.

Apparently my memory is longer than yours. Phantasms used to run ~80m built. Prior to this change that is. Thats just one example.


Negative growth in market value .

That’s objectively good, and good for literally everyone.
(Yes, I take your sentence that mean nothing but your opinion and use them the other way because you are making stupid propaganda)

No it indicates nothing.
Value of destruction is based on value of market. This graph does not show anything about activity, solely about market Stop jumping to conclusions, this is nonsense.

Apparently my memory is longer than yours. marauders used to run 2B a build. Phantasm were barely used, and the fact that one item increased does not invalidate that the global price decreased.

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Would; there is nothing wrong with this picture, be a fair summation of your stance on this topic?

I actually have no stance in that topic, and I actually believe there may be some issues.
However, jumping to conclusions and spamming nonsense like he does is far from explaining anything, but his stupidity
He literally uses literally for no reason. His posts are full of exaggeration, of misunderstandings, of using one word for another thing (here he used “better” when he meant “more expensive”). His posts are a ■■■■ show of spodbrain entitled crybaby propaganda.


Oh I like you.

more or less than


Unless you are actually Robert Plant less than but you shouldnt take it personally.

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Jumping to conclusion has always been the issue.

Jumping to conclusion makes you believe your opinion is a fact. It’s not.

Interpretations, theories, opinions are not fact. Those made by jumping to conclusion (that is claiming an interpretation is correct because it’s yours) are still not fact.

The only facts here are : CCP made a change, then partially reverted it. It “being stupid” is your opinion, and it “gatekeeping” is your interpretation.
And they both are wrong. Maybe gatekeeping the faction ships was their goal, for a reason. Whether you like or not that reason does not mean it does not exist, so does not mean it’s stupid.
Maybe actually people did not build faction ships from BPC at all, instead used a different LP store which did not “gatekeep behind moon ownership” production but instead make it super expensive due to hauling costs.

You complaining about CCP making the building less worth for your is you showing entitlement. And claiming your opinions are fact is spodbrain.


I’ll just leave that there for now.

Now you’re speculating, but do elaborate on this “reason” you speak of. Also see previous quote.

If that were the case, and i do know for a fact that it was not, why even make this change at all? Why not jack up the lp store prices instead? Because they just don’t want YOU to be able to build your own faction hulls anymore. Every aspect of this change pushed the money to the established industrial powerhouses that can actually build them. The bpc are down 25-80% while the ships are up 2/3/400% in some cases. Where did that value go? To the groups that control the moon goo and low/null refineries. If you wanted to get back into this thing that you’ve always just done you have to plant, core, fuel, and defend multiple structures. Pass, and if you want to call that “entitlement” go ahead. I just want us all to have what we’ve always had. Remember this is not in response to some hairbrained change made like rorqs, we’ve always been able to do this since launch. Lets not forget they also added the same constraints to actual T1 Battleships. That meets my definition of stupid quite easily.


Build me a daredevil from bpc without the involvement of these elements. It’s literally impossible. Making my previous statement factual, and yours nonsense.

I don’t care about the monetary value. My personal investment here is this is how myself and my corpmates built our stockpile of faction ships we used for pvp. We no longer do either of those things, because this change made it impossible, I have faction cruisers littered all over new eden from running ded sites and building the ships right there in system or next door. Being as mobile as i was and still able to produce these ships is not “less worth” it’s impossible.

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No I’m not.

Again, the issue is that you don’t know what “fact” is.
Your opinion is not fact.
Fact : some people (including me) used the LP store to build faction ships. So your opinion is not only “not fact”, but also stupid as it contradicts reality. You are living in your delusions, where your opinion is fact. Wake up, this is not reality. This is stupidity.

You are swithcing the goalpost. Nobody cares.

Yet that’s all there is in the graph you presented. If you don’t care about monetary value, then don’t show a graph about monetary value.
This post alone shows that you are a hypocrit.


That has always been the goal. Read back to the top even before this ■■■■ went live. It’s always been about being able to do what we could always do.

Some people did, vasty more bought much cheaper and easier to move bpc and built them wherever they wanted. Less but still more than bought built ships ran ded sites for bpcs and built from those wherever they happened to be. That was my game and this change killed it. Fact.

The plummeting monetary value combined with the skyrocketing prices strongly indicates a lack of production volume. Not 100%, but combine that with our memory of markets before and a cursory glance at the markets now and it becomes clear very quickly. The best part? We predicted this exact outcome.

Enjoy your empty universe troll o/

No it was not in your previous post. You just start now moving from “industry is worse” to “you can’t build a BPC without X”
That’s switching the goalpost.

Therefore your opinion that it did not happens is wrong, which is my point. Thank you for acknowledging your opinion is stupid.

No it does not indicate anything.


So it’s almost been a year. Do people understand how “residue” works yet, or do people still think CCP is sneaking into their cargo hold and stealing ore?

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That was the mining change, not the industry change. Some have figured out that the ore is vaped from the roids and not their holds, however they still see it as a loss since it cant be captured without t1 gear.

That sounds like opinion rather than fact. Maybe you should refrain from calling people out on jumping to conclusions when you do so yourself. The “FACT” that CCP partially reverted the change would concur with it being at the least being initially too much and at the most “being stupid” and only partly reverting it to save face. At the very least @Ranar_Linyne was within the boundaries while in your humble “OPINION” he was wrong, which isn’t within the boundaries, so therefore he’s actually more likely to be correct than you.

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Not at all : That’s deduction from his affirmation.

He is wrong, not because is conclusion is wrong, but because the assumption he makes are wrong.
Being right for the wrong reason, is being wrong. So even in the case where his conclusion would be correct, he would still be wrong.

Again, I have no opinion on the conclusion. It’s possible there are issues, and it’s also possible there are none.

No, he was assuming things that were factually wrong. So he was definitely wrong, and his opinion is the stupid one as it contradicts reality.

Firstly I’m not saying either of you are right or wrong.

OK, @Ranar_Linyne, based on the graph, said that Production value is steadily trending downwards. You said that this was down to “all the stuff is cheaper”. As you consider this a FACT, please can you provide the necessary information to back this up.

I’d like to pick up on this too:

" Negative growth in market value ." - “That’s objectively good, and good for literally everyone.”

How can that be good for literally everyone? Can you elaborate on how this can be good for producers & miners (based on it being because of cheaper prices, lower volume or a mixture of both) ? Can you also explain how, for the health of Eve in the long term, annoying a key part of the community is good?