o/ Roeth!
I’m Davak Kateelo; a director in Critical Horizon, a C4 Red Giant < C3/C4 wormhole corp! After taking a look at your ad, I’m interested in speaking more to you about your future in Eve; here’s a bit more about us!
Culture wise; we are PVP-centric but we truly ‘live’ in the hole as opposed to just base-ing out of it, so there is krabbing/indy/PI (we can produce almost all P4’s inhole)/mining going on every so often. In combat, we like to try to use unconventional tactics to allow us to take fights that are smaller size wouldn’t normally allow (the CEO and I randomly rolled into a casual eviction in progress and shut it down with two assault frigates lol https://br.inyour.space/?s=1001352,4138&b=8674177&e=138&t=bw ).
We are not killboard nazis by any stretch; but we do strive to avoid silly mistakes and learn/improve after every fleet. We also have no minimum activity requirements. As a corp comprised mainly of late 20’s - early 30’s (in IRL age) members, we know that real life always comes first but do ask our members to be active when they are logged in. Being active can entail scanning, hunting, krabbing, whatever; but as a smaller corp (a wormhole corp especially) every member really counts.
If you’re interested in learning more, I’d love the opportunity to speak to you directly via discord here to see if we are a good fit for one another. Good luck with your corp search!