Autism Cartel 💥 Seeking Pirates for Small to Mid Scale PvP (US/EU)

Another awesome weekend for AUTISM CARTEL!

Recruited three more guys, sniped some streamer that was incorrectly teaching players and providing lots of misinformation, and decided for an easy weekend of sitting on the JITA undock and destroyed/looted over 25b+ worth in goodies. Camping JITA isn’t really our MO, but nothing really is… One day we are Black Rise killing caps, next we track down a Golem in Kor-Azor, next a gate camp in Niarja and killing freighters, than our own cute little version of burn Jita. Oh yeah and we smart bombed some Hulks too just for laughs and did a BNI Roam through Black Rise. Wherever their is ■■■■ to be blown up - we will be there!

Nice Golem Kill

Just a couple blueprints:


Silly Streamer: