@BATMAN-THE_DARK_KNIGHT 47bil, isk ready now. TBH it’s already more, than I was willing to pay, but I would appreciate if we didn’t wait until next Saturday.
I have to go now, but if you accept my bid, I will send ISK and account name first thing tomorrow.

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@JustBoobs 47 Bil bid accepted.

@BATMAN-THE_DARK_KNIGHT isk and account name sent.

@JustBoobs I’ll verify and start the transfer right after downtime.

@JustBoobs Are you going to mine with him? Would you like a free skiff?

@BATMAN-THE_DARK_KNIGHT actually I have never tried mining since I started playing EVE in 2013, so probably yes, I can give it a try. The ultimate plan is to make it a rorqual pilot someday :slight_smile:
thank you)

@JustBoobs You’re welcome! I mean, what’s Batman without the Batmobile right? I moved him 5 jumps from Jita because that’s where the Skiff, uh I mean Batmobile, was parked.

Isk received, transfer initiated! Thank you for being polite! Enjoy!

@BATMAN-THE_DARK_KNIGHT character transfer notification received, thank you!
It was nice dealing with you!

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