C2-C5/Null WH corp. Join Ricochet Inc

Like cooking, cleaning, ironing and darning socks?
Like dust, slime and unidentified sticky patches?
Like to complain about the tiniest little change CCP makes to the game?

You do? Well, you’re probably not what we’re looking for.

We’re a small EU wormhole corp living in a C2 with C5/Null static that aren’t desperate to have more members just for the hell of it, what we want is people who still love to play Eve and want to undock and blow stuff up. People who want to be in a fleet where every member is important, who count in a fight where everyone’s actions directly affect the result, and win or lose everyone has a laugh.
Do you want to be recongnised on comms rather than being just another anonymous member? Every member of corp is important and is valued for what they bring.

We scan the chain hunting for targets and roam nullsec on a daily basis, blowing up stuff and getting blown up - it’s fun, try it!

20mil sp

Join our Discord


Just want to have fun playing eve? Join us now!. No drama or politics just pure fun


Bump, We are still looking for recruits

Bump, We are still looking for recruits

Bump - still recruiting guys

Bump, We are still looking for recruits

Bump - still recruiting guys

Bump, We are still looking for recruits

Bump - still recruiting


Bump, We are still looking for recruits

Bump, We are still looking for recruits

Bump, We are still looking for recruits

Bump, We are still looking for recruits

Bump, We are still looking for recruits

Bump, We are still looking for recruits

Bump, We are still looking for recruits


Bump, We are still looking for recruits

Bump, We are still looking for recruits bumping

Bump, We are still looking for recruits