👨‍🚀 Caldari 1 THE new player experience

Looking for more new bro members that need some extra isk or some guidance as they start their journey.

Corporate projects are refreshed daily!

0.0% tax ore/ice reprocessing in multiple ice anomoly solar systems.

Got quite a few more players even some more experienced ones to help out. Now is a great time to join up.

Still looking for more new pilots. Or returning pilots looking for a place to relearn the game.

Still looking for more recruits.

Getting quite a few new pilots and returning players.

We now have 100% JITA buy ORE + ICE corporation buyback program. No longer will you need to haul your pesky ore and ice to JITA to sell it.

Based on our recent recruits this is a great place if you recently quit eve echoes. Have a lot of returning players as well helping out our new ones. Discord voice is active as well for those looking to make new friends and get some help via screenshare.

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Been getting a bunch of new recruits. Great time to join.

Lots of active memebers in discord. Rattlesnake giveaway is popular :slight_smile:

Lots of new members. Come stop by discord and chat.

We are having a public homefront training fleet this weekend. Stop by the discord.

Over 20 billion isk given out in corp projects and prizes so far!

0% tax moon mining

Almost to 100 members and new prizes every week.

Had a really fun homefront training fleet over the weekend.