Capsuleers now major source of memes in all major powers

Hmm, ya that makes sense.

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Use of so-called memes is a plague, that infests uncultured societies of low-intelligence grey masses. To ensure mental and cultural health among my crewmembers, I enforce a strict no-meme rules.

Crewmembers who violate that are deranked and detained in a guardhouse for a week.
Crewmembers who copy, store or create a meme with especially low quality (terrible or unprofessional drawing, misplaced text, nudity drawn or implied, other form of indecency and unpleasant to eye graphics) are subjected to physical punishment as well.

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This punishment is now a meme on social media.

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I am fairly sure that D. Kim herself is a meme on social media

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How the woman’s mind operates is beyond my ken. I’m almost certain she’s entirely incapable of deliberate falsehood, which I find to be almost as fascinating as it is terrifying.

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Attempts to discredit the Commander certainly are. People who engage in such behavior should be ashamed of themselves.


I thank Grrr @Arrendis for providing these insights. I still think we’re all void bonkers, though.

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Yeah, considering the content of the thread I was feeling light-hearted about the whole thing, but she certainly threw a harsh dose of reality in my face (no offense, @Arrendis). I doubt anyone here likes to talk about the traumas capsuleers experience and whatever issues arise from them, but she certainly described it better than I’ve seen before on these forums.

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None taken. Despite what some here have a tendency to believe, I generally don’t go looking for reasons to be offended or confrontational. There are even one or two people on these boards who’ve seen me be a happy, nice, genuinely caring person. :wink:

But they’ve all been sworn to silence on pain of being lowered into a blender 1cm at a time. :smirk:

(On a side note, sorry if it was a downer. It’s kinda something that… weighs on me. The previous me got podded back at the beginning of September, 3 days short of having survived for nine months. Still kinda miffed about that… ‘I’ was really looking forward to having a birthday, come January. Guess I’m shooting for September, now. But hey, at least my average life expectancy’s up to 32d 2h 6m 19s now, right?)


Your comments on here are a meme by now, Diana. Do you de-rank, detain and beat yourself whenever you post?

I didn’t think you were the type to be into that, in all honesty!


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