Total SP: 129.7
Unallocated: 1.6Mil
Wallet Balance: Positive
Kill Rights: None
Jump Clones: 0
Remaps: 1 available.
Toon Location: Jita
Corp: NPC
Sec status: 5.6
B/O 120B
Total SP: 129.7
Unallocated: 1.6Mil
Wallet Balance: Positive
Kill Rights: None
Jump Clones: 0
Remaps: 1 available.
Toon Location: Jita
Corp: NPC
Sec status: 5.6
B/O 120B
82 bil
85 B/O
Daylie Bump
90 B/O
Daylie Bump
Daylie Bump
Daylie Bump
95 B/O
Daylie Bump
I changed my mind and will not sell the char
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