Corax. [CORAX] [KOE]-Null/Low-US/EU TZ

Corax. Looking for pilots to join our ranks

-Null/Low sec
-PI and Manufacturing
-Buyback programs (ore)
-Mining fleets (moons/ice)
-PVE/Ratting fleets
-PVP/Small fleets
-Great group of pilots to learn and fly with
-SRP on corp/alliance/coalition ops
-Experienced leadership


-15m sp
-Understanding of core game mechanics
-Regular play (few times a week)
-Cap/Cyno alts (have or train)
-TS3/Discord (be in coms)
-Understand English
-Be involved in the community
-Thick skin

New pilots may be accepted on a case by case
New corporations may be accepted to the alliance on a case by case

Join channel Recruitment-KOE to talk more
If we don’t respond immediately please try again someone will be with you ASAP

Thank you from Corax.

Daily bump

Daily bump

Daily bump

Daily bump

Daily bump

Daily bump

Daily bump

Daily bump

Daily bump

Daily bump

Daily bump

Daily bump

Daily bump

Daily bump

Daily bump

Daily bump

Daily bump

Daily bump

Daily bump