D4RKM00N is back

D4RKM00N Corporation is back and recruiting. We are going into WH space and have a group of seasoned vets with us. We are looking for experienced and new players alike.

Join us if you are interested in a range of game play. We offer 0.0 and WH PVP. PVE and INDY. Join in game channel “D4RKM Bar n Grill” to find out more details.

The Corp is a mix between UK and US TZ players mainly. We operate in a C5 WH and working on rebuilding the corp. You are welcome to join us on discord the information is in the MOTD of the public chat in game. If you are seeing this and remember me from years past please feel free to hit me up for a chat. All of my contacts and mail got deleted so I don’t have my old contacts list.

Ill see you in game.

Seripis Chiktor

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