Delete - Delaying Sale

Very focused character with little to no waist. Focused toward Orca and Magus.

Good Shield Skills
Good Engineering Skills
Good Fleet Support Skills for Orca and Magus
3.2M SP into Drones
Improved +5 Implants set

  • Is in NPC Corp
  • Positive isk
  • No kill rights
  • No Jump clones
  • Remap is available along with 2 bonus remaps.
  • Character is in Jita

Starting Bid 11B

Still available for sale

8bil what i could offer if that help if not gl

Appreciate the offer, but holding out for a bit more.

Np’s offer stand for as long as you need no rush and 8bil woudl be my top for the pilot i personally cant honestly see any more value in it but thats me :slight_smile:

Perhaps you’re right. I think I’ll focus target Rorqual before selling. Just injected the skills and started the training plan. With the unallocated skill points used, it’ll be ready to sit in a Rorqual in 41 days with decent skills.

Also has engineering skill gaps closed now, so will be better for cap and fittings.

Ye for this toon to have value your gonna need basic Armour skills or 2.6mil 3mil in shield and 3.3 in navigation and another 1mil in engineering it missing just the very basic stuff that doesn’t include it basic boosting skill that you stated it had for porpoise and orca to even be viable on this it missing over 6mil in skills before you can even state it a porpoise or orca booster so you looking at 12mil to get pilot to were you said it was at

Just making it fly rorqual doesn’t make it have value with out the basic stuff first no one in right mind would fly porpoise orca or rorqual with it current skill set

Thanks for your feedback.

I will B/O at 13BIL

Np’s hope it help’s And Gl,
Quick snap it up juan obviously hasn’t read or looked at your skills :stuck_out_tongue: or he wouldn’t shoot his load over a drones toon with no armour or shield skills quick accept it fast :slight_smile:

9b offer

Will relist in the future. No longer selling. I will update the post to reflect. Apologies.

Will relist in the future. No longer selling. I will update the post to reflect. Apologies

Will relist in the future. No longer selling. I will update the post to reflect. My apologies

As I stated before. Thank you for your feedback. Feel free to stop posting here since you’re not interested.

14b offer