Dracarys Alliance [ Nullsec ] [ PvP ] [ US/EU/CN ] Looking to expand its corporations membership

Dracarys Alliance [ Nullsec ] [ PvP ] [ US/EU/CN ] Looking to expand its corporations membership.

Pilots of Summer! Cast off the chains of lackluster content!" Null sec is never boring! At Dracarys, we offer not only regions of content, but also global timezone coverage. We’re playing when you are. And our translation team stands ready to bridge any language gap! With everything from large and small scale pvp, mining, exploration and pve opportunities daily, we stand ready to open up that end game content missing anywhere else. Don’t leave your Eve experience to languish in the land of stale content. Contact a Dracarys recruiter today and up your game!"

TZ Leads: + USTZ: Wierd Beard + EUTZ: Ker Egivand + CNTZ: Gone With Windy

  • PvP - SRP 100%
  • Region: Catch / Querious / Impass / Tenerifis
  • Pvp focus and driven with ops happening on a regular bases.
  • Proud member of the imperium
  • Open boarder with all coalitions members
  • Want to discover the riches of nullsec? We’ll show you how!
  • Must be +18 years of age or older (family/friends exempt as long as they are mature).

Please contact for more info
Allience recruiter: Bloodytears Damon
Discord: ArchMage#9082

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Bump +[0]=[0]+



Recruitment still open looking for more active corps in all time zone.

Come join us :grinning:

Large Nullsec PVP:

Small WH PVP:




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