Dragon. - Romanian Corporation

Recrutam jucatori romani. Pentru mai multe informatii va invitam pe canalul “Dragon.”

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am inceput de ceva timp sa joc eve dar e greu daca nu stii cu ce se mananca,sint jucator de durata si as vrea sa stiu daca mai faceti recrutari

As a jovial Hungarian, you know Transylvania belongs to your neighbours no?

From a romanian with open arms I think there is place for or all especially when its less politics involved in the common sense!

Now if you spend some time with reading some history, your historians actually, will find out that you’re Hungarian people admitted that romanians already populated Transilvania before Arpad, and than they were concurred by Tahutum in different battles which took place ( read Csetrenyi Svartics Ignac).
Another proof that we were there before hungarians is that you can find a lot of romanians around Tisa region, there are multiple evidence of that.
Another hungarian historian Szilagyi Sandor, said the same thing about the romanians in Transilvania.
Kovary Laszlo also writes that romanians were descents of roman empire and were in transilvania before hungarian attacked to occupy the territory for the resources.
There are also numerous romanian historians which are demonstrating also the same, romanians were before hungarians in Transilvania, but I dont thing you would like to know about them especially adter your message in this forum.

In the end hungarian and romanian have a joint future together and things should remain in the same way without false politicians lying for votes and people less informed to give them applause!
You should read more before you write such nonsense, and if you dont like spending time in reading, than just enjoy the game without writing nonsense in a place with sense!

Thank you for them forum bump, a humble romanian!


It was kind of a joke and I know an old feud that’s pointless. a 'lol" would have sufficed?

Recrutam in continuare romani!!!

A magyarok, még a hibridek is a legjobbak mindent, tudjuk ezt helyesen?

Bumpy bumpy, recrutam recrutam!

http://www.ilcaragiale.eu/opere/momente_si_schite/meteahna.html#.XQN0H4gzZpg aceasi veche problema :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry, enjoy :grinning:

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Români de pretutindeni, vă invit să jucăm jocul împreună.
Vă aștept pe Canalul Corporației cu Numele Dragon.

salut sunt nou si chear cautam asa ceva dar nustiu cum sa fac

No idea what you’re saying. Learn english.

Retribution atSubZero

No idea what you’re saying. Learn english.

nop I know English, but here we are speaking Romanian

lol, se pare ca aveti de recrutat si vecini maghiari :slight_smile: Ca de obicei romanii sunt divizati, unii in Horde, RR. erau prin vale of the silent, EVE-RO la goons, si cei care au fost in RO.Stars au plecat fiecare pe unde apuca. Succes la recrutari, eu raman in Imperium.

nu cred ca e cazul să începem să recrutăm vecini, încă sunt mulți Români care zbor fără a înțelege jocul sau nu au găsit locul ideal.
Eu cred că am făcut pentru membri Corporației un loc ideal.

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Români de pretutindeni, recrutăm jucători de orice vechime, pentru a construi prietenii și a avea cu cine să apreciem timpul în joc.

Pai de vb romana de ce sa nu vina, este loc pentru toata lumea, maghiar sau nu … om sa fii. :slight_smile:
Pai asa suntem toti, acum deh te duci si tu dupa cine iti place si cum iti place, locul asta e super fain si tare mult imi doresc sa ramana asa! Multumim mult si joaca cat mai frumoasa, ne vom intalni la un pew pew amical ca deh asa e jocu :). Zi faina!

Ne vedem prin Tribute/Vale, cat o mai tine razboiul asta :))

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