Etherium Beach - PvE rental corp


AU TZ best TZ, though we need some more aussies to represent, or kiwis if we’re really scrapping the bottom of the barrel…

150m per toon isnt a bit overkill? It gets pointless to bring in PI toons since they make around 200m per month, minus tax per toon i am left with 50m wich is not worth the hassle. Or i am wrong somewhere?

If you are only making 200mil per extra toon you bring in to do PI I’d say you are doing your PI wrong, previously I had 3 toons on the one account doing PI, making P4s, with shipping costs back to Jita I made over 1bil, rent costs were 450mil, so 550mil profit. For about 30min a day moving PI around.
This also gave me a month to do mining and ratting on my main, even in a VNI you’ll get 12mil/ticks, so 1hr of ratting, twice a week will nearly pay for 2 toons. Then there is ratting in bigger ships, getting 60mil/ticks, mining, building things to sell. So many ways to make isk, all with 0% tax.

No, I think 150mil is very reasonable (-:

Well i guess i am bad with PI. Not maxed out tho.
If you find people who pays that, its reasonable enough.
P.s. most rent corps took around 50m per toon, or is it old news?

I can’t say what other corps do, I just know what we do. Though we’ve had a handful of different people who have joined and told us we are pretty cheap for what we offer.
Eve is awesome with how much variety it gives though, so much choice to suit you and your play style (-:


Weekends nearly here!!!


Just coming back to Eve, come talk to us.


What are you waiting for?

Weekends here!


Ready for a midweek pick me up?

Hi there im looking to get back into this game but im seriously lost Im coming from elite dangerous on xbox blah. so if I can join this and you all are able to help me out please let me know I can be reached :

Hi Brandon,
Sent you an in game mail.

Anyone else looking to join for the weekend!

More room, start the week off with a bang.


room, people, join