EVE is an easy 7/10 on Josh Strife Hayes' Pay2Win scale

The YouTuber specifically excludes game or subscription cost from his calculations.

Humour me, without being facetious please. Where does eve sit without the plex style product classification of the scale presented by whatshisname?

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I may be quite naive in this aspect, being a single account player, but I’d argue that making friends allows you to do the same as any solo player multiboxing, and be more fun at the same time ? On the other hand, multiboxing is both a convenience thing (not having to set up a fleet of players, or even wait for them to be in the game), and a vanity thing because it can feel like an achievement if you can plex those extra accounts via isk gained via multiboxing (mining, carrier rattting, w/e). Sure, on that scale in the video EvE would still score a 7 by allowing multiboxing, but is it “winning” ?

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Yes, and as mentioned I abuse the hell out of it.

The same goes for SP injectors. I can run gank chars at a fraction of the sub costs because, at times it was even free, because they have a limited SP need so I can sell what they accumulate every month in their omega state to buy the next PLEX.

I will absolutely abuse the hell out of this machanics as long as they are in the game and benefit me.

But even though they directly benefit me, I rather they where not in the game, because it would make EVE a better game for everyone.

Stop dodging the question please.

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Yeah I can’t really answer that because it is not clear what actually would remain. Would the cash shop remain with the skins? If it’s just cosmetics it would be a 2/10, which basically not many games this days would rate that low. At least when it comes to MMOs, they are probably all at least 6/10.

What other things would remain that can be bought with money?

Fair enough.

Personally, as i mentioned way back earlier in this thread, I rate eve around a 4’ish, maybe a 5 on the scale presented. Mostly because I disagree with his categorisation of plex style products.

Any game that allows trading between players is going to have a problem with people paying cash for ingame resources. As an anti rmt measure, PLEX has been very successful.

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In general sure, but there are certain roles no one in their right mind would do. For examle a mining op, imagine being the Orca. It’s just so dull no one would play this role solo. So multiboxing is a part of the game because CCP clearly designed certain aspects of the game play to make this the way to play.

And since for example an Orca has a multiplier effect, you just can’t compete as a solo miner. You will mine far less per account basis that the fleet of hulks with a dedicated mining command ship and maybe even a hauler.

Again, please make arguments.

Why do you pretend I am complaining while I only answer your question ?

In the game, you can (or sometime must) pay to have more alts and therefore have more “power”, without a limit. This is the criterion for level 7.

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By the standards set in the video, that’s irrelevant.

He very specifically excludes the cost of the game or subscription costs from his calculations.

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No, he excludes the initial cost that you know you will have to pay when you get the game.

Work to Play!


Since “Winning” is not defined, the “PayToWin” scale by some random influencer is moot.

What is a clear difference in EVE online is the subscription, which Karak “Crypto Gorillionaire” Terrel somehow cannot afford to pay and then projects it on “those who left (won EVE Online) was because of the changes in microtransactions” however all of that is completely imaginary and not based on facts. People who leave EVE online do it for various reasons.

An Alpha character is FREE yet limited and an Omega character has more possibilities. However unlike other games you can plan to make ISK and then buy gametime with ISK thus negating the payment and making it a “work to win” or “play to win” game.

The NES items are not used like gold ammo, it’s used mostly by veteran players to push an alt up with skillpoints to where it needs to be. Generally a character is a tool and giving such a tool (hauler, scout, minier, mine booster,…) more than it requires is a waste so most of the things you can find in the NES are items that do not change the playing field. They do speed up “advancing” in game which is what the new generation is all into “e-drugs” so they can get their instant gratification just like in real life. You should complain about the drug use instead of whining to CCP as they also pander to the new hippie generation. Remove the cause and the results will adapt. Or do like Karak and call the manager to tell him he is running his business wrong.

I have my accounts subbed to around 2029, at the cost of 9.65 euro per month by playing on all of the good discounts that are available. It’s quite a hobby as I have a spreadsheet just for that including Markee Dragon’s store as he frequently has good offers. Paying for eve is it’s own minigame these days. Love it or hate it.

Meanwhile in reality…

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OMG…‘think of the poor noobs !’ Then you have the gall to rattle on about frequently uttered sayings, having used the most frequent one.

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The “it’s okay, mostly vets use it” argument ? Really ?
How do you know, btw ?

Any particular reason why you focus on the NES ? Because it uses the “gold standard” as currency, which is PLEX ? Would you say the attraction of PLEX has decreased or increased over the years, taking into account that the more items are pushed into the NES the deeper the microtransactions are woven into the game’s fabric ? And how would that feel to any new player coming in, in light of the OP and the arbitrary scale used in the video ?

Because this is the reality of that “gold standard”, taken from adam4eve.eu with the proper conversion from old to new plex before summer '16:

If that graph brings “aha!” ideas to certain people, my apologies to those who didn’t get them…

It’s not a discussion that can be caught in a single thread. There are too many aspects. In that sense it’s a clever design, and it can/will grow. Just a hunch :smiley:

I had no intention to. Should I ? And should I include exotic dancers, slaves, tobacco, booze, explosives and weapons too ? Any particular CSM rep you had in mind ? lol


Well, firstly, a 90m ISK mining barge is actually the HUGE sum of 69 pence RL money when you do the math. This is the amount people seem to get psychotic and PTSD riden over losing…less than the cost of a bag of Doritos.

New players spending thousands of dollars ? Utter nonsense as a generality. I manage fine in eve on a total worth across all my accounts ( which collectively have almost 1000 kills ) of 26 billion ISK. That’s about £200…and that is over two and a half years, which would be a mere £7.60 a month even if even every penny was from PLEX. In fact about 1/3 of my ISK is from PLEX…and I really didn’t even need that…so really about £2.60 a month. So much for the ‘thousands’ !




Well mostly because we see vets using it every day in the game. But you’ve yet to show a single actual complaint from an actual new player about how the Plex exchange has harmed them.

Unfortunately it appears you tried for the quick “wow look at that price growth!” gotcha moment, but didn’t fully understand the whole graph you linked. Or the context of ISK supply in the game over those 13 years.

The blue line on the bottom chart shows that Plex traded volume has been declining since early 2016. In fact overall, probably since 1Q 2012, discounting that one spike at the start of 2016. Yet in the meantime, EVE has vastly increased the amount of ISK being farmed every month. This chart only goes back to 2017 but I can assure you the overall ISK supply has grown just as if not more dramatically than Plex:

Fact is, a decade ago Plex was only used for ISK <> Subs exchange. Now it’s used for multiple purposes. And there’s less of it being traded. And there’s literally trillions more ISK in the hands of the folks who are competing to buy the slowly decreasing supply of Plex coming into the game.

That graph isn’t some shocker of a reveal. It’s simple supply/demand economics, driven by the vets in the game who have lots of ISK and need it for subbing alts, getting extractors, shopping NES etc.

I’ll start worrying about how Plex/P2W affects new players when you can show me a few hundred of them complaining about it.

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I’m sorry for not being inclusive enough when mentioning an example of people with less spending power than average due to living in a ‘third world country’ or ‘following education’. I assume that -judging from your reaction- I forgot to mention that people with lower pay in rich countries also may have less spending power, and forgot to clarify that I’m talking about averages and that even though the average spending power in third world countries is below average, some people in poor countries may have more spending power.

I thought the message of what I said (PLEX allows also people with less spending power play the game) was clear, but apparently I’m a bigot and ignorant, and whatever else you called me which was hidden due to player reports until your edit.

Actually, I’m not sorry. If you want to be triggered, go ahead.


I recall at one point £10 worth of PLEX would buy 800m ISK. The last time I bought £10 of PLEX ( September last year ) it converted to 1.3 bn ISK. A nice increase…though I am still making enough ISK in the game that I probably wont have to buy PLEX again for months. Which, of course, is also the reason less PLEX are being bought. The more ISK one gets for one’s PLEX…the less often one has to buy PLEX.