I’ll take my chances!
Why the hell not
its me
Here I am
Oh well, Anything is worth a try.
To bad im ugly <3
You can always use a Pilot’s Body Resculpt Certificate, or you meant to say your face is beyond repair even considering such desperate measures?
Free money please!
Only thing worse than a scammer, is a liar.
Aug 12, '17
Since then there was no winners in this thread. Title is misleading. There was no winners since then and I dont think anybody should await any reward other than likes from other people.
Just an assumption but a safe one I guess that nobody (or the majority) who post here don’t expect to get 100 mil, I think it is more of a showcase thread similar to the Captain’s Quarters screenshots thread. At least that is my understanding and it is a good thing both threads are kept alive with new images posted time to time.
Here’s my portrait.
Oh this is nice
Lets try it
Might as well, not like there’s anything to lose.
My self portrait.
I like my portrait, hope you guys too