Explosive Care Providers is recruiting [LS PvP, EUTZ}

We provide Explosive Care to everybody in need. Pilots can visit us at gatecamps or we do visits to their systems in LS, NS and WH. We are based in Amarr LS with access to NS and FW so everything is possible here.

We are looking for PvP pilots in the EUTZ. We are a small and starting corporation and need pilots with the same goals and playtimes. In Explosive Care Providers, we are looking for people that want to make a difference in a small gang. As a tight knit corp, you are not just another random F1 button mashing number in fleet. Our clients need all the explosive care that we can give them so all combat roles are welcome.

Corp leadership is a bittervet with 10+ years of experience. Most important learning point of those years is that CTA’s and mandatory ops are not fun. So we don’t do those, ever. As long as PvP is your main goal, play the game how you like.

What we offer:

  • EU Timezone English speaking
  • Small/Nano gang
  • Gatecamps
  • Weekly roams


  • Omega account
  • Working Microphone
  • Discord
  • Willingness to skill up for certain doctrine ships
  • Minimum 5.000.000 Skillpoints

If you are interested, join our ingame channel: Explosive Pub

monday bump

Lets go for another bump

Back for more pilots!

Lets bump it up

Once again I call your attention

Still looking for more care providers

Another day, another bump

Join us for some LS fun!

Help build our corp and share the spoils!

Monday Monday, Bumping away

still bumping like there is no tomorrow

A little bump never hurts

another bump for the road

Weekend bump

one bump is all it takes sometimes

Just bumping along

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