Five Trillion Isk Market Hedge Fund


Hey @The_Dungeon_Master while you’re at it you might as well buy some cheap 1 mil Geckos from Jita local. :wink:

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:joy: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :champagne: :lollipop:

She SAID I made 326b off 10m, then she later said I owed money. She is a liar, and you are probably a member of her ganking corp.

Her ganking corp is very exclusive.

I can confirm that you did earn 326b, in fact since yesterday it’s gone up to 327b. However, you did issue a death threat against me, and you called me a nasty b-word, and this means you need to pay 100 million isk in penalties before I can release your funds.

Send the Nigerian prince 100 mil so they can get their inheritance.

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I was polite until you said I owed 30m in the private chat that I screenshotted TWICE, and if you don’t trust the screenshots, I’m sure CCP can give you another copy of the log. If I somehow do have 327b in the hedge fund, you can take the 100m out of that if you want, but I am not sending you any more money. I don’t believe that you would give me 327 billion if I sent you 100 million, so I am not sending any.

Unfortunately for you, I don’t trust you anymore and neither should anybody who reads this thread. I think your scam is over.

@Aiko_Danuja you will end up like Deimos | Allyse Freewater | Killmail | zKillboard if I ever see you in space.

Oh wait, I forgot you can only afford a catalyst half the time and otherwise are stuck in a corvette.

I’m sorry if you thought I was actually threatening you, IRL. I was talking about pointing and webbing your pod until you self-destructed it.

Aiko does not fear death. Nor should you, immortal capsuleer!

Unfortunately, brain cells are not immortal.

Hahaha, yes Zahara, I just got your implants investment. Brain cells are not immortal, but implants are forever! 17 billion isk received and invested, a lot of people are going to be thanking you for their brain upgrades!

Implants are not forever, because they die with you pod, when you get ganked by that lying ■■■■■.


In the real world, when you want to transfer funds out of a bank, theres a transfer fee. If you have exactly 1000 dollars in the bank, and want to transfer the whole 1000 dollars, the bank will say “Well, no, you have to deposit 8 dollars to cover the transfer fee”.

Sounds like @Aiko_Danuja is saying the same thing. You first need to deposit 100 million for the bank transfer fee, and then she will transfer you your ISK.

Sounds legit. I would trust Aiko with my ISK, which I already do.


In the real world, you can use money in the bank to pay the fees. If I can’t do that with this, that means it is a scam. I am not sending her any more money, for any reason.

Once you have paid, I will release your funds. Unfortunately, if you read your original shareholder contract, it explicitly states that all fees must be paid or the account will be in default. You are liable for ensuring that you remain in compliance with the terms and conditions of the shareholder agreement.

I can use isk in the account to pay the fee, right? That’s how it works with a bank IRL.