Flying Dangerous is a Nullsec alliance operating in the US, AU and EUTZ as members of the mighty FI.RE coalition! We currently control space in Tenerifis and Immensea.
If you’re a Newbro or returning vet, what you’ll find is a relaxed community where you can take part in all the benefits of owning SOV in Nullsec. All we ask is that you have a working mic and a willingness to be on comms.
We offer a social discord and Mumble. Our coalition calls fleets on a regular basis, offering a variety of fleet doctrines. We also have doctrines that we fly at the alliance level.
Our alliance is well-established, having existed in some form for the last 15 years. We have great ratting space and almost daily moon pops, 4 of which are R64.
We offer a buyback program on all reprocessed moon goo, PI, Gas, Ice and exploration loot! Ask us about our Griffins!
Join us on discord here or our in-game chat “Relaxed Recruitment”
Flying Dangerous is recruiting corporations as well!