FW Friendly Fire from Smile 'n' Wave Alliance

Dear all,
I’m not new in EVE, come back time to time. At now i join to FW on Minmatar side. A day ago i was attacked and killed with Kirios Sarn - member of corp “Nomads of Republic” ali “Smile ‘n’ Wave”. After that i wrote to his CEO White Drop about this fact.
He wrote me a message:


Да, члены ополчения из корпораций без стендов вообще ни от чего не защищены, тут в целом надо летать и понимать, что гарантий никто не даст. Могу только предложить вступить в один из уважаемых альянсов ополчения, можно и к нам, up to You, тогда бы подобные конфликты и решались по-братски.

Конфликт произошел из-за того, что ты убил и залутал Зохара Kirios Sarn, а тот в свою очерень подгорел и решил убить тебя под центрями и конкордом, так что особой мистики я тут не вижу.

From this message i understand he approve this kill. Just want to know from EVE community is it normal fact or ali “Smile ‘n’ Wave” is toxic community with some problems in head their CEO White Drop?

Thanks in advance!

Well, are you telling the whole story?

The CEO claims that you looted the wreck of Kirios Sarn’s previous Stabber Fleet Issue, and it implies you may have been present and simply watched his demise. All of which led Kirios to the belief that you are an alt spying for CAMELOT.

Any of that true?

In general, since you’re in general militia and not in an alliance, people are just going to view you as a higher spy risk. Militia-on-militia violence is very much still frowned upon. But it is also frowned upon to use the insult of “problems in head”, so you are not appearing too mentally sound yourself. People that are in your militia are only your ally in the very weakest bond – a lot of them will simply flee your side. There’s truth in the mail that a good corporation and alliance will give better fighting companions.

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This is the proof of my side https://zkillboard.com/kill/116621722/
I just kite and kill NPC, when i loot Zohar he attack me and have agro from militia NPC. Also after some time cartel come and finished him.

Ah, is Zohar the special insurgency NPC that drops the sweet loot?

Well, were you in fleet hunting the NPC together? Was he already engaged with the NPC first, then you scooped it second?

Or, did you kill it all by yourself, and he just landed, saw you scoop loot, then decided to rob you?

Ah, is Zohar the special insurgency NPC that drops the sweet loot? - YES
Well, were you in fleet hunting the NPC together? - NO
Was he already engaged with the NPC first, then you scooped it second? - NO
Or, did you kill it all by yourself, and he just landed, saw you scoop loot, then decided to rob you? - NPC was attacked with another NPC, i just finished the job. So it was a rob

If that’s the whole story then yep it is frowned heavily upon.

Is there no standings or sec status hit for firing on friendly militia?

If not, there should be.

There’s faction standing hits. So it can’t be done frequently without consequences.