Gankers and freighters, a request for discussion. Not a BJ RANT

Yes exactly, the Eve forums do not matter at all, if they don’t even notice that a lot of hisec players really did want that and were utterly bemused why it did not happen and there was no feedback too. It confirms that CCP is utterly clueless, initially I was really annoyed, but then I started to find it immensely funny, which is actually worse…

It would ALSO buff illegitimate mulitboxers.

If that is what you believe, then take your crap elsewhere.

Are you an ISD?


EVERYONE has said and understands that its 1 Alpha + unlimited Omegas you thick as a pile of bricks dumbass :joy:

I’d think you were a troll but it’s pretty obvious you just aren’t very smart.

You’re an antiganker, nobody belives you’re a ganker.

What was your main again? Still waiting


Are you?

Jesus christ the butthurt belligerency you are displaying.

I dont need to be an ISD to tell you to leave a place you dont think matters anymore.

Your Omega + 1 Alpha proposal is utter crap.
I called you on that. Either deal with it, or make another thread, leave or continue o pretend it isnt.

Fks sake, man.

I shared my identity to Ima Wreckyou not sure why heshe didn’t shared it, actually I haven’t see him/her lately much. Damn, it is not even so hard to find out, miners already connected both my corps :wink:.

Just post it here then, I don’t care enough about some loser antiganker to find your main/alts

I’m a pretty big deal, and you’re some nobody ager :rofl:

You really need to chill out, I am starting to get worried about you.

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You really need to stop talking nonsense, and owning it when you do.

The crap you are posting is pathetic.

Take your proposal to include an Alpha for every Omega to a thread that is relevant.
This one is not.

That is your incorrect interpretation of it, so no.

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Did you or did you not propose that an Omega could run an Alpha at the same time?

It is in the thread above, an alpha is limited to one computer, you do know that don’t you? I cannot run two Alpha’s on the same computer. Also you are asking me not to talk about it and then asking about it, make up your damn mind?

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It’s not enough your an idiot, you have to be aggressively stupid and spit all over the place.

The Keyword is “an alpha” not an alpha for every omega like you’ve made up in your mind, just say sorry to everyone and leave it be.

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Meanwhile, Hillmar’s talk at the Fanfest intro was hype.

Looking forward to the new mobile game and FPS on PC.

Go sign up

Project Nova

This is utterly false.

The restriction does not apply to a computer, it applies to the PLAYER.

Get this into your head.

Technically, you aren’t limited to player but computer. There are ppls abusing this fact and afaik they go along without punishment.

By EULA you are limited to one alpha per player indeed. But if you have second computer you can dualbox alphas just fine. It might get you banned but I haven’t heard of anyone getting banned for this yet.

Bleh! I have made my point, you just want to have some sort of inane argument over it or cause an emotional response to your baiting.

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Its a FACT.

No player is allowed to run multiple accounts simultaneously, unless all are Omegas.

Did you not know that, and are now trying to backpedal out of the crap you posted and derailment you caused thereby?

This is FALSE.
An Alpha is limited to one online per player.
You CANNOT legally fly more than one Alpha at a time, no an Omega at the same time, no matter how many clients/computers/etc you have.

If you are currently doing so, or have done so in the past, you have violated TOS/EULA.

Miner, calm down

You only understand what you want, that’s a fact confirmed by a ton of people on the forums