GoESI "Go Easy" Library for Golang to CCP ESI, SSO, XML, and CREST

Looking to develop an EVE Online app with Go? Try the “Go Easy” API library.

This library offers:

  • Versioned Endpoints
  • Nightly builds to CCP ESI Spec
  • HTTP2 out of the box (1 connection, 100 concurrent in flight requests)
  • OAuth2 authentication to login.eveonline.com
  • Handles many tokens, with different scopes.
  • 100% ESI API _latest coverage.
  • context.Context passthrough (for httptrace, logging, etc).
  • Ability to “plugin” multi-node http caching with redis or memcached.
  • Some CREST and XMLAPI coverage (soon to be depreciated).


  • Converted Token and TokenSource returns to oauth2, since most times we are casting back anyway.
  • Changed to string contexts for authentication, it’s the better way to do it, can .String() the key for logging.

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