Has the barrier for entry became too high

To be honest, this game would be far better off if it wasn’t Captial’s Online, no less Super-Caps Online.

I remember the discussion back then, its a shame that CCP hired from the player-base so much; probably why we are were we are now.


I don’t know about removing capitals I think we need to limit how many one Alliance going to have I think big alliances have way too many and it really screws up people trying to take over their space because they can never bring enough people to kill that many capitals so there has to be a limit it’s a market issue also

I don’t think arbitrarily limiting anything strictly by numbers will ever work. The only way they might be able to fix this is by nerfing them.

But, the addition of HAW turrets, not to mention the massive EHP buff they got something like 10 years ago makes anything like that, unlikely.

I don’t want to sound impolite but you forgot a bunch of zeros there. If you add 3 zeros to the 20 you are more accurate on the amount of titans goons have ready to undock at any given time.

Way off base.

I recently came back to EVE, and only kept this guy around for a few things. When I came back, I started over from scratch.

No seed money. No injectors. Nothing but the starter ship and tutorials to guide me. A lot has changed.

But I’ll say this. The new player experience is a hell of a lot better now, than it was when I first started.

No more learning skills to train for a month before training skills you need for ships, moduals and basic gameplay.

The tutorial actually gives you ships and a basic rundown of how to use them.

You’re actually set up for success now, compared to 12 years ago.

I see 0 problem in it taking a year+ to get into caps, if it’s taking you 2+, perhaps you should focus your skill training on caps rather than getting side tracked on other things.

Personally, I think caps should be re-evaluated. Immensely. As someone that currently has 0 interest in capital ships, but would like to explore a bit in losec with a Corp, it’s a slight turn off knowing if we place a station for moon mining, or to start our own ops theres a solid chance we could have a super fleet blop on us and wipe out everything rather quick.

It’s why I’ve stuck to hi-sec on my new pilot while I train up. Was glad to see we can moon mine in .5 to get our feet wet. That’s how I’ve always envisioned the transition as you get into lower security systems. Bigger ships, more risk, more reward potential. What I think should be addressed is the transition from hi to lo sec, and lo to null. It’s a bit more mellow (imho with my limited experience) going from lo to null. .5 to .4 is like standing on a plateau overlooking a valley. You see all the awesomeness below you and have to figure out how to get down there and enjoy it.

You don’t get blopsed, take a risk, plenty of wormholes to, it’s -1.0 space, usually empty, you run across systems with 20-30 moons, all for the taking. Thats better mining then most people have in a big nullsec alliance. Play the game. Get surpriced. Really noone is going to spend time ganking a powered citadel for no reason, its simply not worth the effort.

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