How to use correctly

I plan to sell characters, but I can’t get the correct skill link.When I click to share, I didn’t see the generated link.How should I operate?


Thank you for your reply.But I didn’t find the settings.

thats not skillQ… thats QSNA

so for QSNA, its just the link above…

so for instance, if you click on browse characters on the left… you get a whole screen of characters… click on any of em and you see the image above that you posted.

if you look at the website bar, that is the link to the character

so for me, i’m picking the newest character added. ilovemining
clicking on this link goes to their page.

for skillQ, you have to go into settings to make the page public… its really not as user friendly as QSNA, plus a lot of folks will simply ask for this one, if you don’t provide it, as there’s a lot more info.

I know.I didn’t find the settings like here too.

the shares button is the link that shares the skillQ pages with people… without those, the skillQ appears private to anyone but you

My problem cannot generate a link like you

It is not possible to copy the webpage directly. How do you do that link like the above?

I tried to click to share, but I didn’t get anything

dude, these are your share links… you gotta click on the names to get the share links

This is like this after clicking. Where can I see the shared link?

the website is the link!!!

are you seriously this daft my guy???

This link?

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My God, I thought it would appear in the final form:)I didn’t expect it to be like this!I will pay you 1B ISK in the Game as a thank you!!

I can pay when I can log in to the game later:)