Hi all new players
We Are IGMAT Mining and Transport and we are looking for new members for our moon projects.
We offer lots of benefits, free ships to use, Ship replacement schemes and lots more.
Friendly and relaxing players corp
Specifically we looking for new additional Corp members who like to learn and same time enjoying the game.
If you want to join two teams for our moon project to learn please join us.
This off-course it doesn’t stay with the moon project, you will become part of our main mining team and beside that you still have time to do your own fun stuff in eve.
Like mission runs, exploration, transport runs and lots more.
we are player friendly and all is about the members.
we offer following roles:
- Moon mining commander(s)
- Moon miners
- Miners
- Engineering
- Transporters (contracting)
We offer:
- Ship Replacement Scheme
- Ore buy back (only on astrobelts, not moons)
- Salvage Buy back
- Free skills (for members only)
- Free equipment and ships to use
- lots more
Contact me : TeenGallente (in-game or message) to join
IGMAT Mining and Transport
NEWS: ** IGMAT Refinery Core-1 and Refinery Core-2 Deployed and Drilling the moons ** The first Two Refineries in the Core series of many planned