TDSIN is recruiting!
We’re the executor corp for Scary Wormhole people and we live in Solitude lowsec, with highsec pockets and structures.
We’ve an abundance of wormhole connections for content, hauling and easy access to Jita!
For industry we have:
Structures for manufacturing, refining, and reactions.
NPC stations to park any assets you want safely.
A variety of moons; R64/32/16/8/4.
Ice belts.
PvP fleet support for mining operations.
For PvP we:
Hunt through wormholes.
Black ops drop on people.
Medium sized fights every day in USTZ and EUTZ!
We pvp throughout the whole of New Eden as all the wormhole connections allow us to move around a lot.
We also just turned 13 years old recently, and we’ve got a lot of older players and returning ones joining. We have a casual laid back approach to things so there’s no CTAs or mandatory operations.
We have an onboarding department to help new and returning players lives a bit easier when they join and if people want it we do a fair bit of mentoring and hand holding to make sure people know the ropes as best they can.
Here are some links with info:
Alliance Killboard
If any of that interests you, hop into “TDSIN Recruitment” channel in game and come have a chat!
Here’s the link to our recruitment post on the forums for the whole spiel: