Installing Pyfa on Ubuntu 19.10

Hi All,

I have been looking to install pyfa on my Linux laptop for a while now.
This thread, Installing pyfa on ubuntu 18.04, helped greatly, however I am running Ubuntu 19.10, not 18.04, and following step-by-step quickly ran me into issues.

Ubuntu 18.04 is the long-term release, and is likely what most people will be using, in which case, I recommend following the guide mentioned above.
Ubuntu 19.10 is an Interim release version, which often has newer, less stable software upgrades.

I would have added my own points there, however the thread is locked, so please bare with me opening up a new thread for this.

Credit for most of this goes to Anderson Geten

This is what worked to get pyfa up and running for me on Ubuntu 19.10

add repos for ubuntu 18.04 to be able to get these dependancies

Dependancies are not available in the standard ubuntu 19.10 repos at this time

NOTE: As I am based in South Africa, I make use of my local repository mirrors.
You can use these as listed here, though they may be slower than your own local repositories
See repositories for your own system in /etc/apt/sources.list
Modify below “za.archive.ubuntu” to match your existing repositories

sudo echo "deb bionic universe" > /tmp/ubuntu18.04.list
sudo echo "deb bionic-updates universe" >> /tmp/ubuntu18.04.list
sudo echo "deb bionic multiverse" >> /tmp/ubuntu18.04.list
sudo echo "deb bionic-updates multiverse" >> /tmp/ubuntu18.04.list
sudo mv /tmp/ubuntu18.04.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/

install dependencies

sudo apt update
sudo apt -y install python3-pip python-wxgtk4.0 python3-wxgtk-webview4.0 git

install pip dependencies for pyfa.

python3 -m pip install -U --user bs4 cryptography logbook markdown2 matplotlib packaging pip python-dateutil pyyaml roman sqlalchemy

create a directory for pyfa and clone the git project inside

mkdir -p "$HOME/bin"
git clone "$HOME/bin/pyfa"

add the pyfa command to your bash aliases

This will let you run pyfa by typing “pyfa” into your terminal. You can also update pyfa with “pyfaup”

echo $'\n'"alias pyfa=\"python3 $HOME/bin/pyfa/\"" >> $HOME/.bash_aliases
echo $'\n'"alias pyfaup=\"cd \\\"$HOME/bin/pyfa\\\" && git pull\"" >> $HOME/.bash_aliases
source "$HOME/.bashrc"

Optional, Add an icon to your Applications menu to launch pyfa.

You can adjust the “Icon=$HOME/.icons/pyfa.png” line to the location of any Icon you wish to use.
I store my custom icons in $HOME/.icons/

echo "[Desktop Entry]" > $HOME/.local/share/applications/pyfa.desktop
echo "Type=Application" >> $HOME/.local/share/applications/pyfa.desktop
echo "Name=pyfa" >> $HOME/.local/share/applications/pyfa.desktop
echo "Comment=Eve online fitting simulator" >> $HOME/.local/share/applications/pyfa.desktop
echo "Exec=/usr/bin/python3 $HOME/bin/pyfa/" >> $HOME/.local/share/applications/pyfa.desktop
echo "Icon=$HOME/.icons/pyfa.png" >> $HOME/.local/share/applications/pyfa.desktop
echo "Terminal=false" >> $HOME/.local/share/applications/pyfa.desktop
echo "Catagories=pyfa;eve;utility;tool;fitting;online;assistance;simulator" >> $HOME/.local/share/applications/pyfa.desktop
1 Like

thank you for this, with your help ive managed to get pyfa installed on my ubuntu system

Thanks a lot man, it worked flawlessly. +1

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