Is Station container is "Planck" container?

You remembered me a good example.
Haulers! That’s a quite rich capsuleers who have huge transporting ships.

Anyway an empty space (that’s inside such containers is not at all their worst nighmare. That’s why double-wrapping is GRANTED (besides it’s exception of overall nested-object logic that forbids any nesting inside each other). So… Let me imagine: “why?”.

Hauelrs are rich. They for sure paying a real money (at least initially - for such huge ships to be bought). That’s CCP real income. As one as from those who like to kill other capsuleers (and buying mushrooms and other).

So… Double wrap… Why is it granted breaking a game rules about nested-objects? When there’s veeeery expensive item transporting, all we know - best way to hide it’s price - is to double-wrap it for those who cargo-scanning a wanting-to-kill-you-thinking-will-it-be-worth-to-suicide-gang-you-ship do not see a real courier package content (literally did not see what’s inside it initially).

That’s why I think that double-wrap - is that exactly game nested-obhects-rule exception that CCP made in exchange to more game-popularity to haulers and such capsuleers role (as haulers) popularity.

So - they (CCP) broke the rule (they initially implemented about nested objects) for money.

Now - if double wrapped package inside a huge transporting ship - gang will think twice before suicide-ganking of such ships (in high-sec for sure) because they don’t see how much will they earn (and can’t count if it will be profitable for them considering loss of their ships as hauler obviously can’t be killed fast with only one catalyst).

So - double-wrap - is GOOD for haulers as they can confuse gangsters with it for time that’s enough to warp off from those.

Other side: for example - rorquals. Somewhen (when I wasn’t playing but still already read) they were nerfed ONLY because were TOO TANKY and could not be killed by most of these who like to kill other capsuleers.

So - CCP in fact SOLD FOR REAL MONEY (from those who like to kill through their subscriptions) rorqual tanking… making GOOD FOR THOSE WHO LIKE TO KILL.

I wonder that CCP rule about limit of placing nested-objects inside each other was the same way SOLD to those gangsters who making a jump-gate traps for peaceful capsuleers - first scanning their cargo on some previous gatets and then momentarily killing them on less-secured highsec systems (like Njarnia or Ueadama).

Why I think so? Because only ones of capsuleers who have a profit from DENY of placing one nested objects onside another is GATE GANGS (those who like to kill other capsuleers) because they don’t know any other way of income except killing and stealing. They are too dumb for that (imho). But… the are paying real money to CCP. So why did that not looked like: Gangsters: “WHEEEE! We can’t see what’s inside those lazy workers’ who mine/trade ships! We cannot count is it profitable for us to suicide gank them beacuse of that ■■■■■■■ containers inside each other they placing in! Do something! Or we will unsubscribe!” CCP: “Ok, double subscription and we will make a rule denying placing objects inside each other”. Gangsters: “Deal!”.

Result? Our converstaion here after 3 years (still not sure just read) from when that rule exists.

I’d like to change it back. FOR FREE (I won’t triple subscribe for it, CCP!).

Profit? You (sure, just maybe) will have more subscriptions from not so much perverts you are depends on now.

Not only haulers and perverts (imho) have to have easement to play.

I think permitting of nested-objects to place each other in will good for all:
Haulers and other peaceful - will have the opportunity to hide their cargo again from scanners.
Gangster will think twice before attacking a ship with containers inside because they WON’T KNOW EXACTLY what cargo is inside a ship.

That wil be FAIR!
Because now Gangsters is ONLY ONES WHO HAVE PRIORITY in the game - they are shielded they are see everything inside other’s ship - they are allowed to see what’s inside other’s ships, they are allowed to WAIT INDEFINITELY on gates for their VICTIMS.

And haulers and others can just only be a sheeps on the slaughter because there’s no other way through higsec another then through the gates where gangsters wait.


Where’s a diversity and equality? or “Perverts the best” is your slogan?

Make gangs life harder!

Make them DO NOT SEE what’s inside a ship ALLOWING placing nested-objects inside each other. That will be much interesting!! Do gangsters like the risks? LET THEM RISK! LET THEM TRY TO ATTACK WITH 3 TRONADOES AN TAYRA WITH 100 EMPTY (ABOUT WHAT ATTACKERS WON’T KNOW) CONTAINERS, kill it and BE DESTROYED BY CONCORD RECEIVING NOTHING IN EXCHANGE! I EVEN WILL BE HAPPY TO BE THAT TAYRA TO SEE THEIR ALL (pilot’s of full stacked 3 destroyed by concord tornadoes) 'S SKEWED FACES AFTER SUCH THING!

DENY placing a ship @100km from gates for MORE then 10 minutes or being killed by concord as something that makes the threat (that obviosly is) to ships traffic.

Make a ship-cargo-scanning process an act that makes actioned ship to turn on suspected-timer on 15 minutes - for the to think twice scan someone or not and is it worth risk to become a suspect for that). If you think it’s too hard - you can make a rule that if tracking before cargo-scanning was hided (that … don’t remember - hided ship tracking? that is mid-slit utility in the game exists) suspect timer will not turn on.

Does concord is so dumb to NOT undertake any measures that prevents gangsters from suicide-ganking near-placing bombing and not-far-away-scanning of the ships (that gangsters use many years in a raw already)?

They (gangsters) like to risk? GIVE THEM THAT RISK (and same way do life of peaceful capsuleers travelling new eden MUCH SAFIER or … more safe?)

And Mkikaden Tiragen please - don’t calculate here more - that’s not relevant to topic.

Mmmm, nope, you don’t get to decide what is relevant to the topic. Cheers for trying, though.

Also: nice job moving to attacking the playerbase instead of making real arguments about what value nesting would bring to the game.

Adding more ways to evade cargo scanning is not going to happen - the existing double-wrap mechanic is already problematic. So if they added nesting, they would have to expose contents to cargo scanning, which would also remove the double-wrap benefit. I am all for this happening, since I have always felt double-wrap is bordering on an exploit of a system limitation. The code changes to enable nesting should also solve for cargo scanning ships with ship bays (Orcas, Bowheads, Battleships with Frigates on board) and set the stage for station scanners for planning targets for abandoned station smooshing. So again, I see opportunities in this change, but it is not as simple as you claim.

Ok ) Spam harder ) that’ll just will make higher a post popularity.

Not even reading responses, huh?

I think I’ll answer you with your own words:

Don’t see any arguments from you about topic. Why to read then? )
Please color-mark it in your ‘sea of words’.

As one as your posts )
What’s a problem then? Or you want to be a ‘king of the hill’ and no anyone more? Be my guest then ) Just don’t “calculate CCP money” - tell about topic theme please. And I won’t comment that ridiculous (from my side of view) posts such way I do.

Yep really…
Let’s read such ones yours:

Wow! That’s so thoughtfully!

What’s the idea (right about your own opinion… or no?)

So what? What is here about that interferes allowing other containers to be placed inside each other?

So what?

Wow! That’s so ‘important’ comment! And where’s your own opinion?

Wowo… You’ r really a soldier of ‘CCP rules!’.

Only your post I really appreciate.


And I thought we talk here about topic theme and not about CCP workers salary…

…CCP salary…


CCP salary…

CCP salary…

Really… DO they (CCP) pay you for that? With ISKs? Or with PLEXes? Or maybe with huge ships or rare POSes?

So why it still exists? Not because of haulers? To deny something is much more simple the to imlement - so… what’s a problem to deny it (double wrapping_ if it’s ‘a problematic’? What’s your thoughts about that?

so… “you see opportunity” or “ccp salary” (again?)

Still don’t understand what’s a ‘problem’ with your topics from my side of view?

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