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Do you have an entry level corp? Would be interested in FW with yall for sure. Would be me with 2/3 accounts, and 2 brothers (each with 1 account).
Iβve flown F1 for BRAVE and HORDE. (126 mil main, 60.5 mil alt, 32.7 mil alt)
1 brother has flown with me in those stints. (86.2 mil main)
1 brother is new to game and currently low SP. (4.2 mil - focus Minmatar Frigate V, Desi IV, Cruiser/BC III w/ guns are IV)
We donβt directly have a newbro entry corp, no, we recruit directly.
For your new bother, you could look at Diplomatic. Immunity, who are newbro friendly and fly with us. Alternatively, another GalMil newbro friendly corp, as many of our FW fleets are open to the militia.
JREX is still recruiting!
Join JREX today!