jEveAssets 7.9.2 (2024-10-30)

jEveAssets 6.0.1 released

New Features:
-Send feedback to the Contract Appraisal API
-Prices for BPCs and BP runs in the stockpile
-Added “New” update option for Contract Appraisal

Bug Fixes:
-Can not set BPC price
-Incorrect update time for Contract Appraisal (sometimes missing a day)

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Sorry for the noob question. I click on jeveassets.jar and all I get is a popup asking what application I want to use to open it. Can you add some more basic instructions for getting started with it for someone like me who doesn’t know anything about the new API? Thank you.

Have you installed the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) on your system? You need it in order to run jEveAssests.

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Yes I have installed it. The jeveassets icon is a java icon in my windows explorer. When I click it I get a brief popup window (like a second) then nothing.

This is what the icon looks like. Is it trying to open it with the wrong program? It is associated with Java SE Binary which sounds correct?

You normally want your jar associated with javaw.exe, wherever that lives on your machine. You might try right click-> open with and select your javaw.exe binary. If that doesn’t work, you can google resetting double click for jar on windows, e.g.

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Please, try the following: jEveAssets will not run

If that does not work, then email me a bug report.

@Aurelie_Maulerant and @salacious_necrosis
Thank you for helping :slight_smile:

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jEveAssets now have a discord server:
Join the jEveAssets discord server and get help from me and other users, pitch your ideas, or report a bug.

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jEveAssets 6.0.2 released

Bug Fixes:
-Fixed CtD (NPE) in Tree and Stockpile Tools (BugID: 755, 756, 757, 758, 759)
-Fixed missing contract prices in the Tree tool
-Stockpile did not respect BPC contract price settings

-Industry Jobs output column now show total runs when copying

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Thank you all for the help. I was able to get it running on my old Windows 7 computer. Windows 10 no luck. I’m stuck on the spinning “Validating API Key” where I’ve selected my character and clicked Authorize. How long should it take to pull up? Thanks.

Please, note that using Java 8 will probably work best, I have been working on getting compatible with Java 11 and 12, but, there may still be problems, not yet identified.

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I was able to get it working. It looks like a great program and is exactly what I need. Thank you everyone for your help and especially Golden Gnu for creating this. Calladen

jEveAssets 6.0.3 released

Bug Fixes:
-Did not respect the expires header on empty items in the Contract Appraisal API

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Good day.
Sorry my bad english.
Before reinstalling windows (windows 7) everything worked fine. After reinstallation with a double click on the jeveassets.jar, the command window with the error appears and disappears immediately “Error: Could not find or load main class C:\Users\Grov\Deasktop\jeveassets-6.0.3\jEveAssets\jeveassets.jar”
Can I help you in some way? Thank!

Please, try the following from the wiki: jEveAssets will not run.
Let me know if that works or not.

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All my accounts are getting 400 errors (402 and 403 so far). I don’t know what these errors mean. Am I going to have to reauth all the ESIs again?

No. CCP did a test earlier today and took down the ESI for a few hours. Everything should be back to normal.

jEveAssets 6.0.4 released

Bug Fixes:
-Could not add new accounts (not working with IPv6, now force IPv4)

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does the tool automaticly update each day/timeperiod or do you have to manually press a button to update? If so how should i do this? (Just started using the tool, looks awesome btw)

You have to update manually. Assuming you already added your accounts. From the menu select Update > Update... In the dialog select what you want to update and press Update.

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