jEveAssets 7.9.4 (2025-02-18)

Last update was a few weeks ago.

What part? The manual PLEX vault: give the originale post a :+1: reaction to let me know more people want than feature or come on the jEveAssets discord and push the issue until I do it.
Including PLEX in ESI is going nowhere anytime soon, unless CCP suddenly decide to give the ESI team a ton of resources for a long time

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jEveAssets 6.3.0 released

New Features:
-Market Orders: Use Public Market Orders to find outbid orders
-Market Orders: Added Market Details column
(Button opens market details in-game and copy fixed price to clipboard)
-Market Orders: Automatically read Marketlogs exports
(Find outbid orders and copy fixed price to clipboard)
-Market Orders: Added Edits column
-Select tool to show at startup or restore tools from last session
-Support LowSec and NullSec regions as price sources locations

-Updated to eve-esi-3.7.0

Bug Fixes:
-Fixed tracker popup menu getting more and more useless separators
-Better error messages for citadel updates


Release 6.3.0 looks great !
Going to save me loads of updating time.
1 question, 1 possible bug,
What is the significance of the values in Outbid # column ?
Open Market Orders button is not not working for most of my Buy orders because they are Owned by Corporation, Issued by an Alt.
“The owner of this order does not have the require ui scope”.
But a re-Authorise of Corporation is not changing the Ui scope?

Overall, GREAT update, Thanks

This update is sick!!! Thank you.


  1. The Outbid # column count the items in orders outbidding your order
  2. I totally forgot about handling corporation orders. That is what happens when you do such a big update. Corporations don’t have UI scopes, only characters have those. However, I’m going to try to get it fixed for the next bug fix release. I want it to use the issuing character if it have been added it to jEveAssets, otherwise you should give the option to choose another character to open the order with.

Thanks :slight_smile:

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jEveAssets 6.3.1 released

Bug Fixes:
-Fixed edited accounts using the old access token
-Fixed market details column not handling corporation orders

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Though I’d ask: Is there a way to implement something akin to evepraisal functionality?

Where you can quickly appraise the list of items copied from client?

It’s definitely not impossible. The main problem is that jEveAssets only get prices it needs and the price update are part of the main update system. An appraisal feature would need to lookup the price of every item not already owned, so it would be slow to return a result. Evepraisal that already have all the prices, so it have a huge advantage over jEveAssets. That said, if you still want it despite those limitations, feel free to make a feature request on GitHub.

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The outbid column shows the total number of items all the orders that are above/under your price.

The “Edits column” show the number of times you have edited that order.

The “broker fee” column, does not how much the edits has cost you for that specific item, which is what i first thought it did. (so it is not broker fee * Edits ).
Assuming this is because the figure shown in this column is a estimate, the edit you make determines the real price you pay for that change. What you get is a estimate on how much you have paid, which almost certainly levitated the need for excel sheet.

The “remaining value”, what is the significance of the values in this column?
For me the values in this column is same as the values in price column.


The “broker fee” column, does not how much the edits has cost you for that specific item … so it is not broker fee * Edits

The Broker's Fee column show the total of known broker fee’s you paid (so far). The limitations is that It may not know about all your edits and it may not be able to match every edit timestamps with a journal timestamp.

But, I have already explained this to you, in previous posts. I won’t repeat myself anymore.


Jupp, you have and i accept your decision and still grateful for all the suggestions you have chosen to implement.

I have suggested to CCP to add seconds to their database time stamps. Us traders make several changes per minute and those changes show same time stamp, thus can not be matched.

I’m not one to scroll through and look through this massive thread to look for this, nor do I know what to search for. When looking at a list of contracts it only goes back to end of Feb. Is there a reason for this and is it possible to go back further?

It is only possible to go back as far as API allows. There are time limits as well as quantity limits, as far as I recall. Longing for more, you have to keep local history.

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Thanks! How does one keep a local history?

jEveAssets does not support history for contracts, it only shows what is in the API (ESI).
If you want jEveAssets to save history for contracts, please, make a feature request on GitHub

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jEveAssets 6.3.2 released

Bug Fixes:
-Normalized apostrophe, quotes, and hyphen symbols for filters
-Assets names update doesn’t include all valid items (Issue #130)
-Fixed crash to desktop when copying to the clipboard (BugID: 818)

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also have in mind that you only collect data when you update the data in the app.
So if you want your chart to show daily progress you need to open the app and update once per day.

Is Update Tab updating Outbid information since last run ?

I have had to follow up with Update button on Market Orders tab to get latest Outbid changes.

I assumed that Update Tab would give current market position and that Market Order Updates were only to capture outbid changes during a game play session?


Is Update Tab updating Outbid information since last run ?

No. In short nothing happens when jEveAssets is closed.

It would be possible to parse old marketlogs on startup, is that what you expected?
If that is the case, please make a feature suggestion on GitHib.
If not, please, try to explain it in details, because, I’m not understanding it 100% (English is not my first language).
I do want to work on more trading stuff moving forward, so, suggestion to improve jEveAssets for traders are very welcome.

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