not sure if he means this, when i update i get this for the Market Prices
Looks like there is some issue with the API:
You can switch to another price source: Options > Options… > Market Prices > Price Source
when updating jeveassets today i had an orange indicator by accounts and it advised me to go to options > accounts > edit and i had to reauth each character. This is not the 1st time ist has happened. Is it built into the app to have to reauth periodically and if so is there a way around that?
also when i am in tracker i have a list of characters down the right hand side, som eof those characters ive biomasssed but they are not listed under options > accounts. How can i remove them?
Re-Auth: Accounts expire if not use for a month or more, if you change your eve password, and a few other things too. It’s not an jEveAssets thing, it just notify you about it, when it happens.
Tracker: That is hard to do, as the tracker is not linked directly with the accounts You can edit the tracker.json file or you will have to delete each point for the character. But, you could try unchecking “All Profiles” to see if that removes them.
Thanks for the quick reply, have certainly use the app in more than a month, i normally run an update every Friday, ill try the profiles thing, thanks again
Looks like the evemarketer API is still down, the other two option in the app (Janice and Fuzzworks) show errors too. Ageneral question though, a lot of things seem to rely on eve marketer, and yet it seems to be just a 3rd party website. Is there a way to go direct to CCP/Eve in order to get price information so that we dont have to rely on someone that can just walk away at any moment.
When I click on the api for eve marketer it says that ther is a DNS error, surely the person that runs that site would be aware of the issue and if still active would have made steps to fix
EveMarketer may go away at some point, just like many price APIs have done before. So far the void have always been filed by someone else. Janice is a relatively new addition. But, yes, those site get the data from ESI, so it’s possible to calculate those prices yourself directly from ESI, but, it’s a lot of data to download and process compared to getting them from the price APIs, which is why jEveAssets uses them.
I’m unable to import my corp.
The error message is:
“The account does not grant the needed privileges”
But the account is the CEO of the corp and all scopes are granted.
So i dont see the error on my end so far.
thx for the help.
Also getting the same error when trying to add a corporation ESI.
I too am getting this error. Used the “Workaround” box as well. I tried previous versions (back as far as 6.7.0) and it still seems to not work - perhaps CCP made a API change?
I’m aware of the problem and I’m working on fixing it. Thanks you for reporting it.
There is a few more details on the discord, but, in short, I will release a new version that fix the problem as soon as I can.
with the stockpile feature how can i display what location the items are current at, if i look at locations when i right click it is greyed out
and can I show stocks for items over all characters at once rather than an individual?
jEveAssets 7.6.2 released
Bug Fixes:
-Corporation accounts did not work
-Price History remained empty after adding items
-Tracker Show icon was not correct on startup
-Mining Graph showed wrong values with multiple mining characters
-Updated eve-esi to 4.8.1
Hi, I am trying out the reprocessed feature. As a test i am entering Inferno Auto-Targeting Heavy Missile I into the app. I cannot find info re this feature on the wiki so unsure how it is supposed to work. the figures it shows me in app compared to ingame are wildly different.,
Also the column headings dont make sense to me, Quantity 100% and quantity max
what does the value Max, Skill indicate too?
is there any info on how this feature works?
I assume the quantities are the amount of that given things that you waould get from reprocessing?
Thanks for the quick fix (Corp Accounts). All seems to be loading now.
Ammo is reprocessed in bathes of 100, you had the quantity set to 1, so it’s showing 1%
For 100 it looks right:
The feature to change the quantity is a bit hidden (to say the least), but, you can see it highlighting 100 in the screenshot
To make the stockpile for all character/corporations, just remove the owner filters:
To change the location of a stockpile click the little cog icon:
Hi, Sorry for the bulk questions
- I placed some items for sale at a hub, that item shows as fullfilled, remaining quantity 0. So i bought some more and added to the same market, however status still says fullfilled quantity 0.
I was hoping to keep track of things sold so I can easily restock items. shoudl the item update the entry or would it create a fresh entry as it is a new order
also what does the clear new button do?
Lastly, when i click the open button in the market menu it used to open the market window at that items, but now it doesnt.
- New orders makes new entries, edited orders keep the same entry.
- jEveAssets have a system that highlights new items in the table, clicking the “clear new” removes the highlight from your current items.
- You will need to send me the log for me to debug that: faq [jEveAssets]
New orders makes new entries, edited orders keep the same entry.
Thanks, may be trickier to keep tabs on but better than what i had, thanks -
jEveAssets have a system that highlights new items in the table, clicking the “clear new” removes the highlight from your current items.
I could understand a clear old, so new items stay, but confused as to why there would be a clear new. What kind of scenarios would you use that -
You will need to send me the log for me to debug that: faq [jEveAssets]
I sussed this, I need to be logged in the same station as the order for the market window to appear. I was in system but not in the station and it didnt work