Kill rights , sorting

In London :wink:

If Eve is so horrible, why do you play?

I don’t think Eve is horrible. I love Eve.

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I get what you’re saying. I think there are few here that don’t. We all love Eve. We all know Eve has problems.

There are always going to be “those people”. Making a generalization would be an inaccurate representation of the majority of Eve players. Particularly mercs, PvPers, CODE., etc. Now I realize you’re not claiming a generalization, you are pointing out an issue. I get it.

Here’s my thought on it though…

Eve, as you know, is a different animal… at least is used to be. The open sandbox and community driven content are special and like no other game (again, at least it used to be). There are always going to be people that want to hurt others. That is fact irl and fact here in Eve. However, how you interact with people, how you react to banter and uninvited contest can only be controlled by you. If what someone does online, in a game, bothers you… ditch them. No one can “make” you react to something you choose not to let bother you.

On the flip side, this game is brutal. Some people are more easily triggered or more easily upset by what most would consider harmless fun. I recognize that Eve may be treading on dangerous ground for these people. In those cases, the best remedy for frustration and lost friendships (face it though, you don’t really know these people) is not to place yourself in it to begin with. If one has already done it and find it difficult to handle banter, a change of scenery is warranted.

my 2 cents… :wink:

Yeah man, I wasn’t ranting. I was expressing an opinion. Like, Gujrok was calling Aaaarrgg scum for being a ganker, and I disagreed. I was trying to say that ganking, gatecamping, and all that is not scum behavior. And that the only behavior that I do consider to cross into scumbag territory is when people betray friendships and communities. I feel that way because friendships and communities are real, and transcend the game. I then went on to say that it is something that I will not do -it’s where I personally draw the line.

So yeah, like, the only reason I’ve gotten so far into it is because you disagreed with me, and I was like, “argh, someone is wrong on the internet,” and not because I’m all angry about it. lol.

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