Lazerhawks [LZHX] - C5 WH PvP Corp

Still recruiting

Still recruiting

Still recruiting

Still recruiting

Hey how do i join im new to the game ?

Join our pub chat “LZHX” and follow instructions in MOTD.
Hope to hear from you!

Still recruiting

still recruiting

Still recruiting

Still recruiting

Still recruiting

Still recruiting

Oh hi mates, your corp looks great.
I’m a guy willing to learn and like concept of WH fights and low/null sec PVP.

Please check out my KB page:

Been learning the ropes of solo PVP in hopes to become a better pilot overall (awareness, safespots, scouting)
Max scanning skills. Can fly all frig/cruiser with t2 fits. Have an alt trader/industry char that generates some isk, but most of my ISK I made by selling old industry toons - skill injected Kiara Heart, then left ~10bil for PVP.
Based in Brisbane. I can play most days, but sometimes week days are a bit hard due to work/family.

Eager to blow stuff up so let me know if I’m a good fit o7

Still recruiting

im intrested

im in a corp now but i dont really know whats going on. im looking to get into pvp and this corp does not do that. i dont think i meet all the guide lines but im new to eve kinda and im looking to learn.

Pop into our pub chat: “LZHX” and ask for a recruiter. They’ll be happy to discuss any concerns you may have.

Still recruiting

Still recruiting

Still recruiting