Little things / Small QoL suggestions

Suggestion: Notifcation upon being tagged in chat
Keywords: ui, chat, QoL
Note: Useful for when people are trying to grab attention.

So we all know that Eve has no shortage of chat channels and often we look at multiple. During fleets, or in say, recruitment channels, it is often required to grab someone’s attention. Now not everyone is watching their chats and like discord lets us “ping” members, i thought it’d be useful if linking someone’s name in chat could be accompanied with a notification.
This obviously can be disabled at will by players per channel, but the default should be on.

Suggestion: Camera shake slider
Keywords: UI, effects, graphics

The default camera shake is too much. It makes me feel queazy. Streamers have to turn it off. But on the other hand, having my ship rock solid in the middle of the screen lacks a bit of something. How about we can choose the amount of shake? I think I’d have mine at about 5-10% of the default.

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Solution to that one is to do all your daily claiming in the login window, not in-game… and your redeeming in-game, not in login-window (no trash button in login-window, for one thing).

Also, alt+Y is your redeem shortcut, no need to move the mouse to open it, at least.

Thank you. This worked, but it is extremely “special”.

Suggestion: Route Saving and Sharing
Keywords: ui,autopilot,jump bridges
Note: We all use Set Destination to travel faster manually , in and out of fleets, I would like there to be a button next to the “A Route” in the UI that lets us drag the whole path we have built down into chat or into a notepad so we can save and share complex routes with each other.

For example if were moving as a fleet and the route the FC has set out for us uses a number of jump bridges at the moment some one needs to spam each point into chat so we can all go through it setting waypoints, it would be so much better for everyone if instead the FC just dragged the whole route with a single action into chat and then the fleet gets a clickable single word link to click which imports the route.


Suggestion: Give players a warning when they’re about to enter a Sansha Incursion system, just how we get one when we’re about to enter a Triglavian Invasion system.
Keywords: Incursion, Invasion, Stargate, Alert, Warning


Suggestion: Mobile Depot launch for fleet

Keywords: fleet, mobile depot
Note: Would allow fleets to adjust for different kinds of fights on a roam.

There are some modules (i.e. weapon disruptors/missile disruptors) that are good for one kind of fight, and useless in another. Having a fleet be able to refit would make these kinds of roams more effective.

I strongly disagree with ‘launch for fleet’ options being added to deployables - that’s one of the many things ships with maintenance bays (such as carriers) are for.

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Suggestion: silence project discovery without muting other parts of the game
Keywords: QoL, Project Discovery, health issues
Note: would be nice if we could silence that deep humming sound that gets played when playing PD. (yes, i know “eve has sounds?”) without silence other sounds in eve.
Some people (including myself) start getting sick and kind of a headache when hearing that low frequent sounds (seems like my headset is good enough to play them), just like others have problems with flashy lights.
got told by GM Roderich to post it in the forums.
p.s. yu can keep the typos, english isn’t my native language


Suggestion: Ability to drag a module ontop of another to flip their positions in the fitting window.
Keywords: ui, fitting
Note: Having to remove modules to change their position on a fully fit ship makes fitting a lot more difficult.

In relation to this as well: When you try to move a unique module (ie. a siege module) to another slot, an error is returned stating that the ship can only have one unique module.


Suggestion: Local chat background colouring option
Keywords: ui, chat, settings, background, states, colour blindness
Note: Useful to help visualy imparied

hi im alex Strickland and I have diabetes and from this I have diabetic retinopathy and cataracts so from this I am partly sited I struggle with that game a bit but what I do find a big struggle with is local identifying the colures in the local chat the box is too small for me and im just wondering if we can have something where the whole name is highlighted like the overview does like the overview does with background coloring, this will help my personnel game play and help other with my sort of condition or have the colures change to help colured blind people like this (example) but with names


Suggestion: “Train Now” button/link for skills UI
Keywords: ui, character, skills
Note: Sometimes You just want to add skills to the top of the que.

Occasionally you want to train a handful of skills without flushing your entire que down the drain, like, for instance, when a new ships are added and you want to try them out, or if there’s a fleet doctrine change and you need to train in to it ASAP. Currently all of the train skills options from the fitting tools or info panels add them to the end of the que.

This makes training the missing skills for your “Need it now” fit a pain as it involves either dragging skills one rank at a time from the skills page or adding the trains from the fitting window and then dragging them one at a time from the bottom to the top of the que.

It would be cool if there was another button or something that said “train now” that would add or move prereqs to the top of the que rather than the bottom.

suggestion ; allow a toogle “type-strict” on fields that allow to filter a subset.

The goal is to avoid building/selling/moving the wrong item, because its name contains the one of the item you actually want.

ATM if I search “Firbolg” in the market, and I drag the icon of the “Firbolg I” in my inventory “filter” textfield, all of the following will be filtered in (shown) :

  • Firbolg I
  • Firbolg II
  • Standup Firbolg I
  • Standup firbolg II

or the corresponding BP if I am in the industry window.

What I propose is a way to only have the “Firbolg I” returned when this option is toggled on : a small icon on the right of the text field, with “:T” symbol, so that when I drag a type in the field and the icon is toogled on, the type id is used instead of the name, just like typeexact:id can be used to search in assets. So if I drag my “firbolg I” in my inventory search field, only the firbolg I will be shown.

Another example of the issue I had is when I filter for the T2 material “ion thruster”. Another item called “fusion thruster” is also returned when searching for the former and already led me to building the later instead of the former, just as I already sold standup firbolg II at the price of a firbolg I (no money lost actually because I updated it 5 min later)


Suggestion: Notepad folder sorting
Keywords: UI, Notepad, Organization, QOL
Note: Currently, in the Notepad, one can create folders to ‘categorize’ different notes with a default folder called ‘All Note’ that holds all of the notes. But there is no easy way to see if there are notes not categorized beyond the ‘All Note’ folder besides a brute force method of checking if each note is in another folder one at a time.
Maybe use a similar system to EVE Mail Labels, in which each label is a folder with selectable color codes.

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suggestion : job end instead of duration

I usually try to make all my jobs end approx at the same time. So it would be nice if, instead of telling me the duration of the job when I start it, it told me when this job ends, so I can adjust the quantities accordingly.

Proposal : make “time left” a toogle button, when toogled on it changes to “delivery” and instead of the job time I have the job delivery.


The clock is at the bottom of neocom.

and my picture is at the top of the neocom.


Suggestion: It would be nice if when setting up a production/research job, decreasing the number of runs value below 1 would actually loop it around to the maximum possible value.

In the industry, when you setup a search (ex: Time efficiency research), you have to specify the number of runs for the job.
The default value is 1.
And there are up and down arrows to increment the value.

ex: my BP is already researched to level 6.
When I slot it for more research, the default number of runs is 1.
Currently I have to type 4, or press the arrow up 3 times.

Instead let us press down (when it is at 1) and change it to 4 (since it is the maximum number of runs the BP as left).

It is also useful when you have a BP that take so long to research that it goes beyond the maximum time allowed for research (which is something like 20 days I think).
So that we would not get the popup of Doom saying: Cannot do it because too long…

When starting a production job, since we have to specify the input material location, you could do quick mathematics to calculate the maximum number of runs possible given the amount of materials available against the amount required.
So that when we press down (from 1) it goes to the maximum number of runs we can do given the amount of materials available.

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instead, a button “max (X)” that considers the BPC runs, the material, the isk availability, and the time, and set the runs value to this max value.
It’s not like there was a lack of space in the industry window.

If you look at more complex ships you will understand that those are the cumulative requirements.

Nothing to fix.