Little things / Small QoL suggestions

Buy a container.
Label it something sensible such as “Vital Stuff”.
Put items in that container.

Basically: buy boxes and tidy your stuff up!

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The other solution is to move the items into asset safety. They are safe there.

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doesn’t work with a ship, does it ? :slight_smile:

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What this user is trying to accomplish is some means to avoid separating his ship from the inventory items it needs to operate as intended without having to manually sort through a potentially long list of acquired junk.

The best workaround I’ve found is to use inventory filters to hide unpackaged modules and ammo as best you can. Asset safety and containers wouldn’t work very well for this purpose.


you got the problem. it would just be a nice and easy feature :slight_smile:

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Would like that feature too :wink:


Just saw that the feature exists for items in station containers! The same feature would be nice for the ship cargo.

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Highlighted Names in chats. I think this was a feature before but now it’s gone (?)
I have low vision even w/ corrective measures and it would really help a lot to distinguish text from names by bolding and whitening them.


They ARE bolder, but with font render changes, the difference is too subtle now.
File it as a bug report, my advice.

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Suggestion: Show the exact time till end of auction contract
Keywords: ui, contract

When bidding on an auction it would be nice to know how much time is left/the exact time it ends. Right now it just lists “Less then a day” for example, which is not very useful. Now it is possible to figure it out looking at the time the contract was created, but it is a little annoying to do.

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Suggestion: Make the solar system button on probe scanner restore the minimized solar system map rather than close it.
Keywords: ui, probe scanner, solar system map

Currently if the solar system map is minimized clicking the button on the probe scanner will cause it to close completely. This feels very unintuitive because it is not visible at the time and the only reason you would want to click the button would be to make it visible.


Suggestion: Allow camera rotation during q-click
Keywords: ui, q-click, navigation
Note: Remove a major frustration with the q-click interface

When using q-click to set a destination point on grid, you fist set the distance and horizon angle of the point, then a second click sets the vertical angle. This is very useful when trying to make your ship go to a particular place, and is also the only way to make your fighters go somewhere. The big issue is that when you engage the q-click UI, your camera controls are removed. It’s very difficult to try and find a point in 3D space, when it has been projected down to a 2D image on your screen. You can sort of work around this by right-clicking objects and choosing “track” to make your camera snap around, but it’s unreliable and weird.

A couple of suggestions that might work:

  1. When q-clicking, let mouse drags still drag the camera but mouse clicks advance the q-click flow. Alternately let right mouse drag move the camera.
  2. Snap views on q-click: pressing q snaps you to overhead view, clicking snaps you to a view that’s parallel with your initial vector. This way you can plainly see what you’re clicking on.

#1 is the most natural way of course, since that’s how we’re used to controlling the camera already, and also allows the most flexibility. #2 has the big downside of changing your view quickly which could be disorienting.

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Suggestion: Dynamic Behavior of the Fitting Window When Snapped
Keywords: ui, fitting window, snap
**Note: Move fitting window when snapped and side drawers are used **

The fitting window is a bit unusual in that it extends out beyond its minimum confines. I like to keep mine snapped to a corner of my screen when its open so that it’s out of the way and I’m reminded of which ship I’m in in “View Outside” mode. I do need to get into the stats and fit drawers, but when the window is snapped they pop out offscreen. It would be good if the window moved itself so that the edge of the drawers stays snapped instead of the edge of the inner window.

Suggestion: WH systems to display the class of that WH soemwhere near the J number of that system

Unless unsing 3rd party apps, there is no way to tell the WH class of a system that I am in bar C6s which are the only ones that have “deadly” in the info. I Propose that like the system effects that we see (Black Hole, Wolf Rayet etc) that the WH class be placed on screen so we can see.

Keywords: Naming, Wormholes

Notes: Becuase this info should be available in game by default anyway


what makes you think that those classes actually exist in the game ?

because you can find them from any 3rd party software like eveeye, or any of the WH mapping tools, surely they get that information from something the game/API/Database/whateveritis provides.

What makes you think that those classes dont exist in game?

Until I’ve been proven it does, I assume it does not.
Because the shadow of a dog may not be produced by a dog.

Maybe those “classes” were just created by players who accessed the virtual table of the WS anomalies … Which makes sense since virtual table associate classes to their behaviors and the classes were found by people analyzing the eve client on the test server.

Luckily ive not got to convince you to implement a suggestion be it mine or anyone elses

so your answer to my question is ?

“I don’t know” is a perfectly fine answer. At least better than your aggressive childish previous one.

This is not a discussion topic, and you know it full well.
I can agree with you on one thing: WH Classes per se aren’t as important, as knowing your options and your opponents.