Little things / Small QoL suggestions

But there is one under Finance.

in the scanning window - move the recall button away from the max range slider

Suggestion: More decimals (max are preferred) on the standing logs on Interactions/Standings window

Keywords: ui, notifications, standings

Note: Useful when tracking down the progress of increasing standings.

On the Character Interactions, Standings, it shows only 3 decimal places of the standings that are provided from a mission completion. The game holds a lot more decimals, and it rounds the info up to 3. If additional info is available, also having the base standing of the particular mission provided would be very useful too.

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could we get a update to the agency tab for scanning? say once we scan it down it sticks in the agency tab instead of going poof when we leave the system? Or even better keep the info there when we do leave the system.

Suggestion: Ability to lock size of floating skill queue window (or default to smallest setting)
Keywords: skill queue, UI
Note: Useful in navigating client interface

You open the skill queue while your client window is as small as possible. The queue covers the entire window, so you can’t, for example, redeem an unclaimed item or open inventory to grab a skill book without changing something. You maximize the client window. The skill queue window maximizes to fill the space. Closing and reopening the skill queue will not help, it reopens to the same full size. You must manually resize the skill queue to resolve.

Please either allow us to lock the size of the skill queue window, set it to default to the smallest size and allow us to adjust larger, or configure it so it does not blow up to full screen when the client window is enlarged. I believe any one of these could resolve the issue. The automatic resizing to max does not appear to occur with other windows, such as inventory or market, for example.

Suggestion: Default actions on focus+Enter
Keywords: UI, Planetary Interaction
Note: eg. transfer, current focus+double-click actions such as restarting collectors, submit

PI/Customs Office Interface could benefit from the (auto)focus+Enter treatment (“Loot All”, brilliant!), particularly the double-click default actions like restarting collectors and submitting transfers/changes. The day-to-day repetitive (un-fun) stuff.

Suggestion: Clickable button in Planetary Industry window to Access Customs Office
Keywords: UI, Planetary Interaction
Note: Currently a high-frequency right-click action. Could be one button below or for each planet.

A clickable button in the Planetary Industry window to Access Customs Office and show contents alongside Extraction/Production/Storage icons would be nice, too. Bonus points for fill indicators.
What I’d give for a lazy restart (all) collectors in place button on this page, but let’s not go nuts!

Suggestion: reduce unnecessary clone swapping and/or NPC clone service cost

Keywords: clone, clonebay, npc station

Note: Having to install a blank clone first, then jump to the clone to store implants, is redundant and expensive.

It can just be a “store current clone” option which stores the active clone and swaps it to an empty one (without needing any existing clone in station).

Without a clone, theres nothing to jump to. Your medical clone is you

Suggestion: standings and/or sec status decay over time

Keywords: standings, security status

Note: Periodically (maybe every downtime) all standings and sec status can creep towards zero by a very small amount.

If you have negative standings, this helps you. If you have positive standings, you will have to work a little to maintain high standings. Basically this is to make standings hits less of a long-term burden (for having run security missions, doing faction warfare, etc) and also makes maintaining positive standings more meaningful. “Yeah but what have you done lately “ … “path to redemption “ etc

-1 this is a stupid idea as it invalidate several skills.

Also the game has been turned already into a grindfest, please stop with the stupidity.


Suggestion: Add a keybind for the regroup command

Keywords: Keybinds, QOL improvement

Note: broadcasts are all bindable it seems odd that this one is such a labor-intensive task

having this as a key bind-able function would allow FCs and squad commanders to far more swiftly react to evolving situations with their fleet members, and make pulling an alt account back into orbit if one of your alt’s is drifting off smoother while requiring less of the screen real estate (as you wouldn’t need to keep the fleet window open 24/7 anymore)


SUGGESTION: Please could we have the ability to have as a shortcut key “Warp Squad”

I have been asking for SO long!


Please update the game graphics. After nearly 20 years. The assets are still pixelated. Can you imagine this in 2022?

SUGGESTION: Please could we have a shortcut key to “Warp Squad”



Suggestion: Percentage readout on locked target
Keywords: UI, combat
Note: A toggle in the settings so not always on, many i doubt are not interested in but for content creation it could provide value.

Suggestion: After the weapon runs out of ammo and auto-reloads, it automatically resumes shooting at the current target.
Keywords: qol, combat, weapon, module
Note: Very useful when you are shooting at targets with a lot of EHP (like structures) and need to keep doing the obvious that is to click to shoot again at the same target.

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Suggestion: Show Angular Velocity on the Overview in mr/s instead of r/s

Keywords: Overview, Ui

Note: The current values of Angular Velocity make it hard to compare it to the tracking values in the description of turrets. When shown in mr/s it would be a lot more intuitive instead of having three 0 in front of the numbers you want to see.


Just a fyi, your suggestion will not be seen. Please read the OP of this thread.