Suggestion: Change color of drone names in “Drones” window based on their status.
Keywords: ui, drones
Note: This was posted in previous Small QoL suggestions however it wasn’t implemented and I am not sure if we are allowed to repost ideas from old forums.
Note2: reason for this suggestion is that sometimes when the window is small enough, the drone name especially for faction drones doesn’t fit into the window and all you see is “Imperial Navy Acolyt |||||||||||||||||||” and you don’t see what the drone is doing, is he engaging or is he just idle? if the name would be colored based the status, ie. green = idle, red = engaging/salvaging it would really help.
Actually using containers is the best idea: some of the smallers uses compression (100m3 got 120m3 of cargo; 325m3 got 390m3…) that way you can even increase your total cargo hold
Suggestion: Enable us to add a reason for why we manually blocked a character in a chat.
Keywoards: UI, chat, block list, character
Notes: You can only add a reason to blocking a character when you do it in the chat window’s user list. If you manually add them with the “Add a character” button in the Blocked Users list in the Channel Settings, you cannot.
Suggestion: Automatically cancel target after hack the container.
Keywoards: scanning, hacking
Notes: When making data/relic sites I often try to hack old container because it is still being targeted - player must either deactivate targetting or click and move onto another targetted container.
I don’t think that there is anything we can do with empty hacked container. There is no more reason to have it target-locked. Therefore I propose a QoL change to automatically untarget the container. Either immediately after we hack it, or after we open/loot it (or open and there will be nothing).
Suggestion: Allow us to enable notifications for industry jobs finished.
Keywoards: ui, notifications, industry
Notes: For those who are not specialized into industry and are running only one or two jobs at the time, often long-term jobs like bpo research, it would be really great if we got an notification popup that the industry job was completed. This needs to be toggle-able just like other notifications of course as it would be annoying for players specialized in industry.
Suggestion: Stop collapsing market sidebar/quickbar when wallet/market updates
Keywords: ui, market
Note: Whenever a market order updates, the sidebars collapse. This makes for frustrating gameplay.
I work a lot of market orders. Whenever an item is bought or sold, or when the wallet or market updates for some reason, the expanded menus in the market windows collapse to the base item group level. This leads to a lot of misclicks, errors, and wasted time. This seems more like a bug than a feature, but I filed a bug report about this and was told it was not a bug, and I should submit it here.
Happens to me too, i think it is a bug, work around is add to the quickbar.
Suggestion: Ability to see last time logged in at char selection screen
Keywords: last login
Note: Useful to gauge when last changed market orders
When I’m trying to figure out when the last time I logged into update market orders on a particular alt it would help to know when was the last time i logged in.
Suggestion: common hangar
Keywords: ui, trade, pi, pve, pvp, manufacturing
Note: Useful for toons which are yours and deal together for trade, manufacturing, pi and others purposes
I have few toons which are deal with pi, sending materials between them as contract or trade is nightmare. So please…
For us incursion runners: PLEASE add a Tag assigned to an entry in the overview also to the corresponding “Locked item”. Shouldn’t be a big thing to implement?!
Suggestion: Ability to set deliver-to character in courier contracts
Keywords: ui, multibuy, market
Note: Useful for market hub traders buying for null toons
I run an online shop for my alliance where they paste a multibuy into my website, send me ISK, and get stuff delivered from Jita via courier contract. Currently I have to do a lot of sorting to deliver items at the other end. Enabling me to specify a deliver-to character would mean my couriers could deliver directly to the customer. Would also be helpful for people buying stuff for their own alts.
Skins Preview Viewing Window
Need a search feature so we dont have to keep going to show info on each ship but can search for different ship skins directly through the open window. Atm you get only the ship and any skins you personally have for it and what is available.
Suggestion: search bar text retention in industry window
Keywords: Industry, manufacuring,pve
Note: When changing between the Blueprints Facilities Jobs headers any text entered in the search box is lost. My industry allways opens on the jobs tab. I search for a blueprint and then realise I am in the wrong window, switch out and the text is lost. If it could be retained when switching this would be a massive QoL improvemnt.
Offending textbox is highlighted.
Suggestion: Add Techlevel to all T2 BPCs
Keywords: ui, industry
Note: I like filters in the assetwindow to sort my Blueprints, but there still are T2 BPCs without a T2 tag in the Techcolumn. So filters don’t apply to them.
Suggestion: When grouping weapons remember the exact configuration and restore it when ungrouping.
Keywords: ui, weapons
Note: So when doing this new event I had this problem that I wanted to have 3, 3 and 2 weapons to deal with multiple threats and then I wanted to group them into one group to better deal with single threat. And then ungroup and have 3-3-2 configuration again. However when I did this, and I grouped my weapons after ungrouping they were in 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 configuration instead and I had to painfully regroup them as I needed.
Suggestion: Blank rounds/charges
Keywords: weapons, ammo
Notes: Simple enough, do no damage, don’t count as firing a weapon, but instead return ‘hit’ or ‘miss’ to the pilot and target. Potentially usable by corporations to do mock battles or teach PvP cheaply. Kinda like paintball - does no real damage, but you know if you got hit or not
Suggestion: Do not show “Scoop to drone bay” when rightclicking on drone when in ship with 0 drone bay.
Keywords: ui, drones
Notes: Same as suggestion to not show charges we can’t use it would be better for clarity.
Suggestion: Allow us to write additional notes into saved fits.
Keywords: fitting manager, notes
Notes: It would be really great if we could write down additional informations about our fit such as “if -pgu, replace gyrostabilizers 2 with compact version” etc.
example image:
Suggestion: Have only one variant of each Ore
Keywords: mining, market
Note: Keeps it simple
There are currently 16 differnt ores and 4 variants of each ore plus compressed variants. This is a mess. Propose to have only one variant of each ore and its compressed counterpart.
The ore variants contain different proportions of materials and the high-end ores are one of the benefits of lower security space. This mess serves a purpose, your proposal is a bad one.