Little things / Small QoL suggestions

Suggestion: in corp project i suggest the ability for corp CEO to see who finished the project and who contributed.


if CCP is serious about player feed back they would just read this thread and not have bots do it for them

so here is my suggestion if you dont mind.

Add the Overview tab that is exist in personal wallet to Corporation wallet as well


sadly I have to agree with you on that

Suggestion: make QoL bot like every QoL suggestion it has processed
Keywords: feedback
Note: we need love too :wink:

Posting a suggestions feels like shouting at the open. It leaves that itching hope that an answer may come one day…

Some lucky ones who shouted here have been given an answer :slight_smile: which sustains the hope for rest of us. But a subtle sign of being heard would also be a boon.


Suggestion: Allow individual Notes to open in their own respective window in the same manner that mail messages can be opened in their own individual Message window.

Keywords: Notepad, note(s), window. Mail, Message


When you double click a Mail Message it will open in its own window allowing you to view view multiple Messages on screen at once seperate from the Mail application.

Allow Notes in the Notepad application to open in separate windows so that you can have multiple Notes positioned seperately onscreen.


Suggestion: When a skill category is completed, colour it yellow as it happens for ship masteries and activities in the tracker

Keywords: Skill Panel



Suggestion: Volumen/Collat/Reward Filters in the Contract search need a checkbox to turn them on and off, similar to the checkbox filters at the bottom of the window (GtG Routes only, Exclude ignored etc.).
Keywords: UI, contracts, contract search, filters, checkbox

To turn these filters off to quickly search for unfiltered results, you have to delete all the info from the filter fields. And when you have done that search, you have to enter them again. This is way too cumbersome.

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Suggestion: Similar to the Remove All Waypoints button suggested above, the Route Management window needs an X button on each waypoint line to remove individual waypoints easily.
Keywords: UI, waypoints, route management, remove waypoints
Note: Currently, the only way to do that is via the Right click menu, which is highly cumbersome and requires a lot of unnecessary mouse movement and button presses.


Split stacks of items in remote stations.


@supernuts You can do this while creating an item exchange contract by right clicking the item in the item selection window


Groups/folders in the orders window and the ability to clear the orders the history

Suggestion: Allow sharing Ship Health Alert Settings

Keywords: In-game UI

Note: Ship health alert settings require to be different for different activities, making them shareable would allow for saving them in convenient places (MOTD / Notes) for both personal and fleet use



Small acceleration gates in FW battlefields to get around quickly

I made a post here:

Adding the reaction type can reduce a lot of frustrations

Suggestion: The Activate button in the Skin tooltip should be blocked if the skin is already licensed.
Keywords: UI, skins, tooltip, licensed skin
Note: Figuring out if you already have a skin is really annoying. The only way to do that is in the Character Sheet’s Personalization tab, which involves opening this sluggish and client freezing window. This information should be visible in the activation tooltip and in the Show Info window.

As you see above, the tooltip already knows if it can be applied to my current ship or not. Thus, it should be easy for it to show whether I have a skin already or not.


Suggestion: Customizing Hotkeys is something a lot of more experienced EVE players will deal with. I suggest making a shareable version of hotkey layouts to make it easier to share with alts or suggested layouts for activity to share with friends/corpmates/etc. Also probably not a little suggestion, but a visual layout of keyboard+mouse to see what each hotkey does in combinations would be cool.

Keyword: Hotkeys, Interface, Settings


Suggestion: Maintain Chat Channel Window States Across Sessions
Keywords: UI, Chat Channels

Note: I keep some chat channel windows minimized while leaving others open, such as local, corp, militia, etc. However, every time I log off and return to the game later, the game resets my previous chat channel window configuration and unminimizes all of them.

Consider maintaining the chat channel windows in their previous state between gameplay sessions.


Suggestion: Define Default Orbit / Keep at Range per Ship
Keywords: UI, Gameplay, Fitting

Note: Players currently need to manually adjust the Default Orbit and Default Keep at Range values to better suit their current ship and fitting. I propose enabling the ability to save Default Orbit / Keep at Range values for each ship as part of the fitting configuration.


Suggestion: Auto-Compress

Lets face it we all mine AFK or Semi-AFK at one point or another, it would be nice if you didn’t have to be tethered to the game hitting “Compress” constantly as your hold nears capacity.
So, when mining and when compression is available have a checkbox to “AUTO-COMPRESS”. Also have a capacity threshold you can set. Then you auto-compress anything that is compressible when the hold is at a certain (pre-set) capacity. Hell, even if it was a low slot module that allowed that (but please don’t).

Anyone missing cycles because he forgot to compress 100% deserve the loss for not paying attention. Any change to the game rewarding more afk-gamestyle is bad for it’s economic health and I advise strongly against it. Those who do pay attention shall always make more money than those who don’t.