on the launcher can we add 2 things when you click on a char
- Currently skill training
- Current system
on the launcher can we add 2 things when you click on a char
Suggestion: The ability to add notes to Skill Queue
Keywords: Skills, Notes
Note: When one has multiple alts and is swapping the skills queue between them, it is all too easy to forget what one trained up a specific set of skills for. In particular, if a specific ship and/or fitting is being trained for. It becomes even more of an issue if immediate priorities change and some other skill jumps to the top.
Externally to EVE I have notes in a spreadsheet that will say which char has the skills queue and list what ships, fittings they are training for. But it would be really handy to have this internally in Eve as part of the skills queue itself. Specifically the ability to add colour coded tags to a group of skills and something like ’ Training for Tengu’.
Then if other stuff does jump in front it is easy to see where the training has been shifted to in the queue.
Suggestion: Lower Expert System duration but only have it tick when logged in
Keywords: New players, Expert System, Expert Systems
Note: Activating an expert system feels bad when it counts down while not playing.
Add a “repackage and stack all” option to the right-click menu on hangars that has the same effect as Select All > Repackage > Select All > Stack All.
Make rocks that are collidable in mining anoms displayable in overview.
There are multiple cosmetic rocks on sov mining anoms (Kylixium in particular is egregious) that are collidable but cannot be displayed on overview even with all overview items enables.
Suggestion: Increase Rogue Drone Infestation Data Buy order
Keywords: Market, NPC order, Market
Note: Save RSI, Avoid Market spam / server load
NPC buy orders for Rogue Drone Infestation Data are too small. They are presently 1123 units, but i regularly sell 500,000+ units in a session.
due to the limited buy orders, and market spam limits, this can take literal hours regularly hitting the 10 orders per min limit.
Please Increase the limit 10 or 100x higher
Suggestion: Add more character information to the launcher
Keywords: Launcher, Skills, System, Location
Note: Can we add 2 key bits of information onto the launcher for each character, next to the play now button.
Suggestion: Put Paragon LP Store into all stations by default or move to NES Store.
Keywords: Paragon, Corporation, Alliance, Emblems
Note: I think the ability to get you ships emblems is severely restricted. Having to jump to Jita everytime just to buy a emblem seems to be pointless for such a game wide requirement. This is the same as just buying a skin from the NES store really. Suggestion is have a store in every station as default or move it into the NES store so we can purchase from anywhere
Suggestion: Group entities on overview
Keywords: Overview, UI, mining
Note: Sometimes there is a lot of NPCs on the overview, and they have same name, so what if they could be grouped into one entity on the overview until you click it. This would also help in for example asteroid belts where all asteroids could be grouped by name until you click one and it expands to display all of them.
Changing the setting so you dont log in automatically upon hitting play now, leads you to the old log in screen that shows your location and skill being trained.
Suggestion: Reset daily alpha injector during downtime
Keywords: Alpha clone, skill injector, daily
Note: Daily alpha injector should reset at downtime similar to for example daily goals
Suggestion: Change daily downtime popup from “Cluster shutdown in mm:ss” to “Daily downtime in mm:ss”
Keywords: new players, ui
Note: The daily downtime message is mildly anxiety inducing especially for new players /s
Suggestion: Get rid of temporary skins
Keywords: Skins, propety
Note: Renting a skin does not feel great
Suggestion: Rename “Transaction” tab in wallet to “Ledger” and add Evermark and LP transactions
Keywords: UI, wallet, Evermarks, transactions, ledger
Note: There seems to be no transaction history of Evermarks and LP at the moment
because its not needed…
Suggestion: Health alert for drones
Keywords: Drone, Drones, Sound, Alert
Note: Why isn’t this a thing
Suggestion: System text back to being red
Keywords: System, text, chat
Note: Easier to distinguish that standard chat and not really sure why it changed.
Edit: nevermind. It was in todays patch! (Fixed an issue where chat text from EVE System was white instead of red.)
They should just enable remote-purchase for them, like for skills.
Paragon has “partnered” with NES and put there few 1 PLEX SKINS for a NPE mission teaching how to use NES. Also, Paragon accused NES of monopoly in on one occasion last year before Paragon Studio opened for business last year. It was reported in New Eden news ofc
So it would be logical to have more Paragon products in NES, like Studio components and “emblem licenses” for particular hulls. …Or the emblems licences could be moved to Studio entirely.
Suggestion: A Lock Field rightclick option on text input fields in the industry window.
Keywords: UI, industry, value input, accidental value changes
Notes: It is highly vexing to start several identical indu jobs in quick succession. It’s way too easy to just tap on the mouse wheel and change the number of runs or other values by accident, or do so when you scroll through the list of BPs/reactions and start scrolling ever so slightly too far up in the window. Since we won’t get fixed, unchangeable job templates, this option would at least prevent erroneous jobs.
Obviously, this would need to keep the values between different blueprints, reactions and so on in place as it is currently the case. Just preventing the value changing by scroll wheel movement would suffice already.