Suggestion: The skill purchase option “Check on market” on missing skills should open the Market, not the Multibuy window.
Keywords: UI, market, skills, skill purchase, missing skills, buy
Notes: This setting is misleading and counterintuitive. You do not check the market for availability, often times the window tells you that something is not available simply because you are not in an area where the sought after thing is available, and it requires more clicks and intricate UI understanding to actually check the market.
From the above example: I am in Perimeter and the Multibuy window tells me that the skill is not available in my station. This is misleading people into believing it’s not on the market. Looking at the market itself, I see tons of available skill books just one jump away in Jita.
Suggestion: Add “Import item orders” feature from the multibuy to Contracts for “Item Requests”
Keywords: ui, contract, multibuy, market
Note: Enhance contract item requests by adding an “Import Item Orders” button similar to the one in the market multibuy interface
Currently, when using the multibuy feature in the market, players can export and import item lists to streamline the purchasing process. It would be beneficial to have a similar functionality in contracts, specifically when selecting the option “Also request items from buyer.” This would allow players to import an entire list of items directly into the contract, saving time and effort.
At present, players must manually add items one by one, confirming each item and adjusting quantities before clicking “Add item” for each individual entry. This process is time-consuming and requires hundreds of clicks and inputs to create a shopping list for item purchases via contracts. The addition of an “Import Multibuy List” button would significantly improve QoL and reduce the repetitive task of adding items individually.
Real-World Scenario:
I open the fittings window, select a fitting, and click the “Open Multibuy” icon followed by “Buy All.” This opens the multibuy window with a shopping list, and I click “Export Order.” Now, with the shopping list in hand, I can head to lowsec or nullsec and create a contract in the station I want the items to be. I set the “I will pay” value, click “Also request items from buyer,” and here, the new feature would allow me to click “Import Item Order” to paste the shopping list directly into the contract.
Just a simple QoL option for players that have habit forming tendencies or issue with gambling. Add the function for a player to enable / disable the HyperNet as and when they want somewhere in the options.
If you disable it, it removes it from the neo-com and when you click HN links, you get a pop up stating that it has been disabled and can be renabled in the setttings.
Nothing major, but will help people who struggle with this kind of thing.
Suggestion: Change default in redeem window from all selected to none selected.
Keywords: ui, redeem, rewards
Note: prevent inadvertent redemption of items
When opening the redeem items window, the default should not be all selected. One isclick can lead to several items redeemed at once to the WR0NG place at the WR0NG time. For example, several boosters may be redeemed at once when what was really meant to be redeemed was a SKINR item from the login rewards during and event like Winter Nexus. If this seems like a hyper specific example I can tell you why.
The way to fix it is to minimize eve when you have it open and switch your desktop background to 1980/1020 then switch back to the game and upscale it in the game to 3200
The mouse is coded to your windows desktop size and will stay native to the size of your desktop not to EVE they can’t fix it in game but that is a work around that won’t be patched.
Suggestion: Ability to use natural text editing shortcuts for text inputs
Keywords: ui, text inputs, chat
Note: Natural text editing would be so nice to have.
If you don’t know what that is, it’s the ability to use CTRL + ALT (or CMD + OPT) keys to edit text.
Hold CTRL and hit backspace, it removes a while line of text.
Hold ALT and hit backspace, it removes 1 whole word.
I automatically tried to do this within the chat window and found that it just didn’t work.
I primarily think it would be most useful for the chat box, however, being able to do it for all text inputs would be useful too (searching for items in market, just CTRL + Backspace to clear search, then can search for new term)
Suggestion: Add an “Auto-Advert” option to custom Fleet Setups
Keywords: Fleet, Fleet Setup, Fleet Advert
Note: It would be nice to have an automatic fleet advert with pre-saved access options whenever I open a fleet with a specific setup.
Further improvement: save configuration of splitting multiple different stacks into smaller stacks. ie, commodirty x = 10 stacks of 100, y = 10 stacks of 200 etc.
Suggestion: Paragon Hub Trade history check
Keywords: SkinR, trade history, trade
Note: It would be nice to have a feature wherein a player who sells skins (or buys) on the Paragon Hub can check his sales history (include skin preview, sale value, transaction history, listing time and purchase time.)
Suggestion: Pin Items in Inventory
Keywords: UI, inventory, items
Note: Let players pin individual items in their inventory so those items stay where they are, regardless of how the other items in the inventory are sorted.
Suggestion: The ability to assign “Stack All” option inside a window to a key or had a button on the window allowing single click cleanup.
I would see this a QOL suggestion to remove the forever having to navigate a menu constantly when dropping things into a station or mining holds or ship holds etc… The menu item is especially irritating when it drops of the bottom of the screen and you have to move the window to access.
Suggestion: Allow an option to prioritize loading damaged/used or undamaged crystals in lasers using the Multifit window.
Keywords: Fitting, Inventory
Note: There is a menu where you can select containers to Multifit from. This could be similar.
If you only fly projectile ships around lowsec long enough, you’ll amass a huge number of very lightly used laser crystals from pvp kills. These pile up and my recent inventory cleanout saw me selling 350 of them on contract. My suggestion is to have an option to prioritize used crystals to load into your guns and cargo when using Multifit. You can prioritize fresh ones for structure bashing ships or long sustain kiters, or used ones for quick experimental die fast Coercers.
This change would really help me be rid of those laser crystals when I am in physical pain scrolling through my inventory past countless rows of the things on my way to modules I actually care about.
Suggestion: Display bookmark name instead of “a point in space” when aligning to BM
Keywords: bookmarks
Note: The UI currently displays the bookmark name when warping to it, but not when aligning to it.
This is inconsistent behaviour, and can result in players not realising they are not aligned to the thing they thought they were, which in turn leads to “death by poor UI” when failing to warp in time.
Note: Add a hotkey that initiates warp to whatever you are aligned to.
If you aren’t aligned to anything, just display a message in space saying you can’t do that.
This will avoid accidentally selecting the thing next to what you are aligned to when warping, which leads to “death by poor UI” when failing to warp in time.
This already exists! I believe you can hold A and click something to approach/align to it, or hold W and click to warp. D+click enables docking, jumping, or the activation of acceleration gates.
Suggestion: Blink When Character Name is Mentioned
Keywords: ui, chat, usernames
Note: Preferable to simply having blink toggled on and checking every message or ignoring the chat entirely
When someone drags my character name into chat, it would be nice if that triggered a different colored blink than other messages, or if there were an option to turn on “blink for character name” and turn the other blinks in chat off. That way I can pay attention to chat when I’m mentioned specifically.