Little things / Small QoL suggestions

Suggestion: Set sell order default prices
Tags: market UI defaults
Notes: Option to set default sell order prices to things like “regional average” “beat best regional sell” or “beat best station sell” instead of just the best sell that can reach you.

When setting up sell orders other than immediate, the point is not to sell to an existing buy order, so why is the default to the buy order price? Which then requires every price to be changed. Please allow the player to set a default sell price when setting sell orders. If we wanted to go further on this we could include something like “regional average +10%” as an option.


Suggestion: Min Qty on sell orders
Tags: market
Note: Allow sell orders to be set like buy orders with a minimum quantity required for purchase.

You can buy my lot of ammo at a really good price, but only if you take all of it.

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Range and/or duration of a buy order should modify the broker’s fee.


Sell from station containers. [Drops Mic]


Suggestion: Re-implementing the option for placing the camera tracking location
Notes: helpful for this… Manual piloting - EVE University Wiki

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pls ccp

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Suggestion: Collapse/expand menus on Overview
Keywords: ui, overview
Note: Another way to manage what’s on overview

There are times when another way of managing the overview would be preferable. Ever since new structures came out, some systems have an insane number of citadels, ECs and refineries. It would be nice to be able to manage how much of my overview they take up (on the fly) w/o having to add/remove them. Collapsible/expansible menu(s) (on that portion over the overview) based on type would be awesome. Even better would be adding nested menus to that; they could be expanded/collapsed at all tiers. (e.g. +/- Structures > +/- Citadels and/or +/- ECs and/or +/- Refineries et al.).

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Suggestion: “fit to active weapons” option when right clicking ammunition

Keywords: ui, ammunition

Note: it should take in account grouped weapons too.

pretty much, allow the player to change ammunition quickly while in docked by right clicking it from the hangar instead of having to drag it directly on the fitting window.


Suggestion: Color warp destination line in tactical overview
Keywords: UI

Just a simple request, please give the line pointing towards our warp target (station/citadel/gate) blue (or some other color). On the grid it’s now very hard to see where you are going and if you are aligned.

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Auto Refresh and Minimap Direction scanner.


GUI - Deep scan


Add a Auto refresh feature to deep scan. Separate the results area from the map part of it, so the map part of it will become a mini-map (like the probe mini-map). Make it rotate like a real radar and update accordingly.


Hire Ally (corporation) upgrades, and Merc Upgrades


GUI - Hire Ally, Hire all Mechanical Features


  • Create a Gui Element to display a ratings of win/loss for helping others in war displayed on the hire corp tab area.
  • Create a new nav bar button to make finding allies in war time more easily accessible.
  • Make it so that hired allies are paid after success of the win. Add a payment fee for loss where the merc entity pays 250m isk for losing to the corp that hired them. Limit people to helping 1 other person at a time.


Corporation Upgrades


GUI - Corporation, Corporation


  • Create a search feature for corporations names like that for a ticker
  • Improve the search feature to properly have a suggest option for both name and feature
  • Add additional colors and graphics to corporation symbols


Corporation mechanical Upgrades


GUI - Corporation, Corporation, Taxes


  • Add additional tax options allowing ceo’s to separate tax rates for each activity; Ratting, Trade, Etc.


Alliance upgrades


GUI - Alliance, Storage, Jump Bridges


  • Add a storage accessible by people in the alliance based on member, director, or ceo ranks for all parts of the alliance.

  • Add all allied (+10) standing allies jumpbridges to the map.

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  • ctrl + drag to copy module to other slot.
  • Replace module by dragging another one on top (no need to unfit beforehand).
  • Save that overwrites original fitting (aka. Save that works).

Suggestion: Make the EVE menu customizable.
Keywords: UI, eve menu
Notes: I want to move buttons and items around.

I want to be able to customize which menu items I see in the first layer of the menu. For instance, I want the Project Discovery, Structure Manager and Asset List menus in the first layer so that I do not have to navigate to the sub-layers all the time. And I don’t want to see New Eden Store, Opportunities or Ship Tree in the first layer, instead I want to move them into a sub-layer because I don’t use them and they uselessly clutter the menu.

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@CCP_Falcon @CCP_Avalon Why is this topic not pinned any more? The first post says it is pinned but it does not appear at the top of the topics list like the Welcome Rules topic at all any more. This needs fixing.

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Suggestion: option to filter by “normal” weapon/module types
Keywords: fitting, simulation
Note: save time scrolling past irrelevant options

The module browser for simulated ships already filters out modules that are impossible to fit (turrets on a ship with no turret slots, etc) but it would be nice to have an option to filter out modules that will rarely/never be used on a real fit even if they aren’t technically impossible. For example, if I’m tinkering with a Deimos setup I don’t need to see lasers, damage mods for lasers, frigate-size MWDs, etc, in the module browser. There’s no plausible situation where I’m ever going to consider any of those modules. But if the previous ship I was working on happened to be a Retribution I’ll probably still have those sections of the browser open and have to spend extra time and clicks collapsing those sections and opening the medium hybrid sections. It would be much more convenient if there was a “show only typical modules” check box that would cut out the clutter until I specifically say that I’m working on an unconventional fit and need to see it.


shift+drag does that


And who determines which modules are “typical” for a given fit or application? Is a warp scrambler and drone damage mods typical for a Skiff? No, but I use them all the time. Mining lasers on a Rokh? Battleship-class MWD on a cruiser? There are all sorts of fits that players come up with that might seem to not make much sense to you, but it works for them.

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Suggestion: Option to add color to bookmark blip on dscan map.
Keyword: UI Color
Note: Helpful for picking out key bookmarks when a lot have been saved in a system.



Ok? And? They can easily make those fits work by un-checking the “show typical modules” box. It’s not like a filter that makes things more convenient for 99% of cases means that you can’t fit those other modules, it just means that they’re out of the way the majority of the time.

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Please for the love of god make it possible to cancel target locks before they lock. I’m in full TiDi, and I locked a drone before my NSA came on. The beeping… always the beeping. 16 seconds has never taken so long. I know it will take another 5 minutes before the client responds to my cancel request, but it’d still be faster.


Suggestion: Turn off logs for selected channel in chat settings
Tags: settings chat
Notes: This is self explanatory. There is no real need to log every single channel at all times, but game does anyway, so after some time Chatlogs folder will be cluttered with thousands near-empty files like “Corp_”, “Local_” etc etc. There should be setting to turn off logging for selected channels.

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