Little things / Small QoL suggestions

Suggestion: add Aura voices
Keywords: aura,voice,events
Note:You can also add important sound notifications aura(declared war,attack on the citadel) OR voice all that is in the notification feed.

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Suggestion: Allow stacking of bpc of equal me and te in inventory windows.
Keywords: bpc, inventory, stacking
Notes: when bpc are made, they appear as seperate icons in inventory windows. This can make managing and finding certain bps difficult.


Suggestion: Add setting to only blur windows while docked.
Keywords: ui, settings
Note: This is by far my most frequently changed setting, I often have lots of overlapping windows up while docked, and so I turn blur on to be able to read easily. Then I undock and want to see space again, so I turn it off. Again and again and again.

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Suggestion: Make Chat Window more “Compact” and “Adjustable”.
Keywords: ui, chat.
Note: Hey, @CCP_karkur

Firstly, We want to say, Thank You for ur help with Coloring the Watch List!
I did receive positive feedback from my PvP\PvE-mates out of that change.
My WL now → :parrotwave1::parrotwave2::parrotwave3::parrotwave4::parrotwave5::parrotwave6::parrotwave7:

The Little Thing i wana talk about is, User Interface “Size” on screen and especially about Chat W. (Windows) .

So, usually player have 2+ chat windows opened separetly in UI:

  1. Local
  2. Ali\Corp + Public Chanels (Intel // (PvP\PvE)-Chanels // Chanel for Alts // ect. )
  • Technical Chat - If u are flying Logi [Basilisk\Guardian] That forces u to open +1
  • Convos many-many Convos

For me, as a person who loves public activity, i got 10 total chanels opened,
Divided with differend W.: 4chat box + 6chat box

Ofc. i dont have them fully opened most of the time, but hey
Looks good right before u need to open it

Most part of the horisontal size is:

  • ppl counts

  • Close window button, any reason close all of them? or missclik it.
    This chanels, some of them opened for 2+ years!

  • this “+” button!
    What was the reason to move it on that position?
    It had perfect place inside chanel!
    It is most useless button in game, ppl got, chanel links everywere, they invite eachother
    And Not like “Hey im gona Brute Force Some chanel names to find great community”

And last thing is “Local”
We have an option To hide members so its sometimes usefull to save space on screen.
“Like do i realy wana see 200+ Spectre fleet members?”
But why dont we have option to hide chat zone like this
ofc some ppl like local talking(hi jita scamers) but most players look at it just for
“who is in the system”.
I guess its also will slightly increase the perfomance in the game.

The idea Is:

Give abillity(chat window settings) to:

  1. See ppl counts inside chat, not in its name.
  1. Move + button incide chat
  1. Abillity to hide chat zone for local
  1. Abillity to hide “Close all chat” button

Why do we need this?
i know so many Players who have notebooks or old PC, or dont have opportunity to buy like 4K monitor to have 100+ windows opened.
All in All Make EVE more ajustable for any kind of PCs.


Why are the current SP/hr that are training not visible in game? Why must I go to 3rd party software to see this. They should be visible in the character attributes or skill queue.


Suggestion: Add key listeners to scanner / enable user to use keyboard to work with sigs
Keywords: ui, scanner, anomalies, signatures, keyboard-input
Note: Useful to quickly sort out and work with sig/anom entries in the scanner
Before I start to rat, I always ignore the anomalies I do not intend to run. I do this by opening up the anomaly scanner, selecting all the applicable sites and ignoring them in chunks via select -> right click -> ignore, but this is tedious because simply pressing Del on my keyboard would save me from going through the menue and possibly ignoring the only sanctum in system :frowning:
There surely could be other keys used for other actions, but this is currently what I got on the top of my head.

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Suggestion: Send delivery messages from hauling corp instead of CONCORD
Keywords: Upwell structures, delivery

When you receive a delivery from another player in an upwell structure DED division of CONCORD will tell you that you have received a delivery. It is like space FBI telling you that you got a packet.

It would make more sense if this message came from some hauling entity like Interbus or any other NPC hauling corporation that exists like Imperial Shipments, Khaind Trasport or Freedom Extension (being based on the current region would be nice touch).


Suggestion: Ability to see all contracts in one search
Keywords: ui, contracts, filtering, availability
Note: Useful for finding all classes of available contracts

It seems unnecessary to search Public contracts, then Alliance, then Corporation to see what’s available to me. How about an Availability=All category so I can find any contract that is available to me and meets the rest of my filtering criteria?


Suggestion: weapon overheating mode
Keywords: weapon,overheating,mode
Note: Now overheating add dps to weapon,it would be possible to add modes tracking,range, reduction capaneed to 0. Since there are already modules for accuracy,weapon range, then add this mode only to some ships(t3, navy battlesheep).


Suggestion: Allow “Notes” in launcher
Keywords: Launcher, UI
Note: It’d be nice to be able to put a character name next to the account names listed in the launcher. As someone with multiple accounts it’s hard to keep track of which account is associated with which characters sometimes (without referencing my spreadsheet). Maybe have it show the account name - last logged in character or have a setting that allows you to choose which character on that account is displayed.



Suggestion: Queue any command to swap charges to the end of the cycle
Keywords: ui, weapons, charges, ammo, combat
Note: Useful during any activity, make ui behaviour a bit more predictable

You can only change charges while modules are off. Would be nice if changing any charge/ammo type while a module is active would do 2 things: 1) turn off that module, 2) change the charge/ammo type after it is off. I think this would be a great change as you would end up with fewer instances where you press a button in the UI, and nothing happens because you were in the wrong state. Of course, changing the charge multiple times while a module is on or decycling should only change to the last selected charge/ammo type.

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Suggestion: For Target List Anchor add an option “Unlock all targets” to it’s right-click expandable menu. And so rename “Target List Anchor” into “Target List”.
Keywords: interface

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Suggestion: repair drones in the ship hangar
Keywords: drone, repair
Note: automatic repair drones armor and structure in the ship hangar who have bonus for drones (tristan,worm,dominix,ishtar,gila,…). 1% per second maybe.


Suggestion: Separate some items to separate market groups
Keyworks: Market, items

Quite many market groups include large number of items that should be on separate groups:

  • Split warp disruptors to normal and heavy
  • Split warp scramblers to normal and heavy
  • Split tracking disruptors and missile disruptors to own groups
  • Split AB to small, medium, large and capital
  • Split MWD to small, medium large and capital
  • Split drone upgrades to damage amplifiers, tracking enhancers, and others.
  • Split boosters by slot (currently every single booster is in same long list)

Suggestion: Offset Hangar Image

While docked in a station could it be possible for the remembered position to be offset or offcenter so that a ship would appear at a different location than right in the middle when entering dock and then remembered with angle, zoom and skins. Top left or right, or slightly off center above the item hangar floor perhaps?

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Suggestion: Left-clicking a space object in the right-click list menu in space like a stargate or a station should bring it up on the Selected Item window.
Keywords: UI, Gameplay
Note: I am surprised this isn’t a thing. Currently you have to hover your mouse over the icon directly in space and left-click to have it appear in your Selected Item window [or destination route via waypoints but I digress], currently left-clicking a space object in your right-click list in space does nothing, why not make it so it does something useful and intuitive?


Suggestion: Configure default in game chat font size

Keywords: ui

For too many years eve online client has lacked the ability to allow users to configure a global default in game chat font size. The in game font size globally defaults to 12 pt font sizes and the font size resets every time the game client is restarted.

To accommodate visually impaired users, more common 1440p and 4k computer display resolutions a QOL feature allowing the ability to globally configure in game chat font sizes would be a great advantage to the eve player base as a whole.

Every time i play eve it’s necessary for me to change the font size of every chat channel on every character i use to a font size that I find usable.

I’m approaching ten years played as an eve subscriber and find myself surprised that such a feature has never been implemented given the in game reliance of the chat system…

ccp karkur please? :slight_smile:


Suggestion: make NPC faction icons filled with white more effective
Keywords: NPC icons

The faction NPC entities frigates near gates or stations are very slight distinguished from player’ one. So changes in it’s apperiance are needed.


Suggestion: Make last systems in local chat clickable
Keywords: local chat
Note: Useful to make a route back to last visited systems



Suggestion: Double clicking your own order should open the modify price interface
Keywords: Market, UI