Little things / Small QoL suggestions

Suggestion: Always show the location of items in the personal Asset window, upon expanding the location
Keywords: UI
Currently, when the personal assets window is open and you expand a location that has a lot of items, the location, and therefore the ability to shrink the item list, will be scrolled off the screen as you scroll down the expanded list of items. My hope is that once the list of items is expanded, the location of the assets will always be visible at the top of the window, even after scrolling down. This would be similar to excel/google docs where it is possible to set a row to be always visible upon scrolling down the page. This would help by ensuring that the asset list could be shrunken immediately, rather than having the scroll up the entire expanded list in order to find the location and shrink the list.


I like this but I don’t think this happens because it collides with the way how items works in database. Basically, once the item is put into market it becomes stacked thus there cannot be any additional values (and is a reason why we cannot sell used/damaged items).

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Suggestion: Mining Fleet History
Keywords: mining, fleet, ui
Note: Accurately tracking fleet mining

Mining currently shows up in fleet loot history as “has looted”, making it “has mined”, and leaving ore moving between inventories as “has looted” will be a significant QoL increase for miners, allowing accurate payment based on work done, while still benefiting from the logistical advantages of mining in a fleet.

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Suggestion: A simple way to separate stack into equal piles
Keywords: UI, inventory, PI
Note: while “feeding” custom offices we have to separate portions manualy in the “divide stack” window. It would be great to have some expression to make this process more easily. E.g.: just type “/5” and get 5 equal piles. “=1000” means: “give me a bunch of piles with 1000 items each”


Suggestion: Ability to see SP/hr when hovering over skill category in Character Sheet
Keywords: ui, skills, efficiency
Note: Similar to what EVEMon provides… but without need to install EVEMon! Should take into account your implants/boosters/attribute remap


Suggestion: Ability to dock sell window within market window and if done so, refresh market information with chosen item to sell (or just give us checkbox in menu to turn on such behavior)
Keywords: ui, market, selling
Note: I’ve never sold single item on market without the need to refresh market window with given item as well to understand what’s the local real sell value. Thus for every single sold item/stack you need to manually start with ‘view market info’ and then follow with ‘sell’. Would be nice if we could merge these two activities at least optionally for those interested.

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Suggestion: Displays the time of learning skills in the attribute changes window
Keywords: attribute, plan
Note: It is useful to know the benefit in time when changing each point of a particular attribute


Suggestion: Add the system cost index in the structure browser
Keywords: Industry
Notes: When using the structure browser to search for citadels where certain jobs can be performed, such as research or manufacturing, it would be helpful to see the system cost index in a column next to the citadel. This would aid in making decisions about where to perform certain jobs in an attempt to spend smaller amounts of isk on fees.

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Suggestion: In Assets window, ability to Expand-All and Collapse-All categories (currently only systems)
Keywords: UI, Assets window
Note: Currently have to click the left-hand arrow for each category(system) to expand or collapse each individually.

I have assets strewn all over the place. And when I’m searching for things I often find myself having to expand and then later collapse many of the categories (which are currently just systems). It would be useful to have a Expand-All and a Collapse-All option, perhaps on a right-click menu of any of the categories.


Suggestion: In Assets window, have additional categories besides System/Station
Keywords: UI, Assets window
Note: The only category that things are grouped by in the Assets window is System (ultimately station). There ought to be additional categories, like Item.

While we’re on the topic, there really ought to be other categories to group by (other than system). For instance a ‘Item’ category that groups things by item.

So say I search on “Scourge Auto-targeting”. Well instead of showing me all the systems that have any item that contains “Scourge Auto-targeting” in the name, it would group all results by the item name. So a group “Scourge Auto-targeting Cruise Missile I”, a group “Scourge Auto-targeting Heavy Missile I”, a group "Scourge Auto-targeting Light Missile I", etc… and in those groups, when you expand them, would be all the systems/stations that contain those items.

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Suggestion: combine planetary asteroid belts into at most one belt per planet.
Keywords: asteroid belts, player experience, communication, team work, fleets, mining, ganking
Note: it brings players closer together

A planet currently can have multiple asteroid belts, i.e. “Planet VII - Asteroid Belt 7”. The suggestion is to reduce all belts of i.e. “Planet VII - Asteroid Belt 1” to “… Belt N” into one belt per planet, i.e. “Planet VII - Asteroid Belt”.

While it adds to the “space detail” to have multiple belts per planet does it create niches for players to isolate themselves. Reducing the number of belts by some degree, perhaps balancing it by creating one large belt (or one with larger asteroids), brings players closer together, which brings many benefits, some of which are:

  • More communication among players, more getting to know one another.
  • More team work and more fleet experiences.
  • Easier recruiting and more consolidating of players into larger corporations than having more small corporations caused by an isolated play-style.
  • More conflict as well as more conflict resolution.
  • Also, while it makes it easier for gankers to find targets will it allow inexperienced players more often to learn about ganking simply through observation rather than the hard way.
  • It counters the effect of the new moon mining, which has left planetary asteroid belts with fewer players.

The main downside of this will be a loss in “space detail”, players will lose some bookmarks, anchored objects will have to be removed, etc…


Please allow us some way to disable the compass that’s right above the capacitor wheel in the HUD, Pweaty pwease?

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Suggestion: move loyalty points and PLEX vault tab to wallet.
Keywords: wallet, loyalty points, PLEX
Note: Useful to see every currency and points consolidated in one place


Suggestion: Allow us to select text of item name in Market details window and use Ctrl-C to copy it.
Keywords: UI, Item name, Market window
Note: Perhaps allow us to select it in other places as well. Perhaps other text also.

Often I’m trying to do a search on a particular item in 3rd party sites, or otherwise have need to copy the name of an item. I would like to be able, while viewing an item’s Detail page of the Market screen, where you see the item name in the right-hand window in large text, to be able to select that text and then do a Ctrl-C to copy it.

Perhaps we could also select the name while viewing it’s info window. And I suppose other types of text in the game could be selectable for Ctrl-C copying purposes. But at the very least I’d like item names to be selectable for copying into the clipboard.

P.S. Yes I know you can drag an item into the chat entry area which will place the clickable name of the item which you can then drag-select to copy, then delete the text assuming you aren’t trying to message that to anyone. But that’s quite unwieldy.

P.P.S. Maybe alternatively you can just right-click on the name in that window and get an option “Copy item name”.


Show ME / TE as “xx/yy” number in corner of BPO icon so you can easily see researched BPOs.


Suggestion: Give an option to disable tooltips
Keywords: ui, tooltips
Note: constantly fighting the UI

Tooltips pop up on almost everything that is hovered over in this game. Items in cargo, skills, sigs/anomalies in the probe window, etc… I realize that these are helpful for some players. However, they’re not needed for everyone. Moreover, whenever I’m interacting with the client I am constantly having to move my mouse in ways that will avoid the next pop up. Otherwise, if the tooltip pops up over something I need to interact with, I now have to wait for it to disappear and start the sequence of actions over. An option to disable the tooltips across the board would be amazing!


How about a key that, if you hold it down, shows or hides tooltips?

For instance, if tooltips are shown by default, the key lets you mouse without them appearing. If tooltips are hidden by default, the key allows them to show up.

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Suggestion: add “magnetic edges” to PI structures and extractor heads
Keywords: magnetic edges, user interface, planetary interaction, UI, PI
Note: easier placement of structures and extractor heads

I doubt many of us like seeing the red numbers when extractor heads overlap and so most of us will likely try to move extractor heads close, but not too close, at which point it becomes fiddly.

Giving structures and extractor heads a magnetic edge, which allows them to snap to each other (only needs to be a mild effect of 3-5 pixels), will make their placements much nicer and faster. Also patterns may look a little nicer and not so messy, which makes it more lovely all round.

I’d even go as far as disallowing PI structures to overlap at all, because they cannot actually be placed this way. Yet it’s possible to move them so that they cannot be placed. A simple bounds check would make this also easier to handle.


I’d like to have another option in the personal section of the map that shows where my jump clones are.


Suggestion: third rig slot for Heavy Assault Cruisers
Keywords: t2 cruisers, rigs
Note: for greater variability and attractiveness compared to T3 cruisers

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